Best Friends Forever!

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As children me, Yuri Hayashi, and my twin sister, Tori Hayashi, lived in Japan with my parents. Now as identical twins, not many people can tell you apart, actually in our case, no one could tell us apart including our parents. Our father was a president of a very big important company. Father ran a furniture company where most people bought their stuff from. Our Mother on the other hand, she thought our father had no real skills. It might have been because they were always fighting. Tori and I resorted to locking ourselves in our room together either playing and trying to block out the noise or hiding our closets or under the beds plugging our ears trying to get away from the fighting and the hate. 

"Yuri?" Tori asked me one day. "Are Mommy and Daddy going to break up?" I was surprised by the question. I sat down next to her and hugged her softly.  

"I hope not." I answered quietly. As just small kids we lived in fear of us not being a real family. Finally our parents started to get along better. This was around the time we were going into elementary school. That's where we met the Hitachiin twins, Hikaru and Kaoru. They were identical twins just like us. 

During recess one day when it was snowing I watched them. They sat on a bench together holding hands. There was a small girl that approached them. I went up to Tori and told her I was going to ask them if they wanted to play with us. I turned back around and saw the girl walk away with them still on the bench.  

"I don't think they want to play with anyone." Tori said from behind me. "Well, its worth a shot." I said then turned around, "but, I may need your help if that's okay." Tori smiled and we walked toward them.  

"Excuse us," we said together. "do you two want to go make a snowman with us?" they looked at us.  

"Both of us?" They asked.  

Tori smiled, "Well of course sillies." They both slid off the bench and said, 

"We'll play with you," they paused, "if you can tell us, which one is Hikaru?" we both froze shocked, we looked at each other and smiled. 

"Well," we said together "I'm pretty sure your Hikaru!" we said a we smiled and pointed to the twin on the right. They both stood there shocked,  

"You're sure?" they asked us. 

"Positive." We replied. They looked at us with astonishment.  

"You're right." they said quietly. A smile stretched across our faces, 

"So, you'll play with us then?" They looked at us and smiled a little. 

"Yeah, but," they paused and Hikaru stepped forward. "How did you know I was Hikaru?" I stepped up to him and replied, 

"We've been watching you. You two may look alike but you act differently." Tori nodded and stepped up, "We have the this same exact problem." They looked at us confused. 

"What do you mean?" they asked together. We looked at each other and took off our snow hats and hoods revealing our long dark brown silky hair. "We're twins too!" they stood there completely shocked. "So." we continued. "Can you tell which one of us is Yuri?" They thought for a moment when they pointed to Tori. 

"You?" they asked. Our smiles slowly faded.  

"You guessed wrong." we said quietly. They pulled back surprised,  

"Oh, I'm so sorry." they said as they looked down. We put on a big smiled and said, "Oh its fine! So about that snowman!" they looked up at us and saw our smiles and smiled back.  

"I bet that we can build a better one then you guys!" Hikaru and Kaoru yelled laughing. We smiled and ran to make the best snowman known to man.

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