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Flashback Ends

Pragya was sitting with a shocking face.

Pragya's pov: Abhi loved me from his childhood? Unbelievable. But, he has hidden it from me. I'm angry at him for that. At the same time, I'm mad at myself. I have never noticed him. I didn't even know that someone is loving me. But, if Abhi loves me from his childhood, maybe he would have known about Anjan. Let me read the rest.

Pragya continued to read...

Flashback Continues...

When Abhi was in his third year...

Abhi, Arjun, and Vivan are heart-throb of the college. The three would be surrounded by a crowd of girls. Abhi won't mind them, whereas Arjun and Vivan would always flirt with girls.

Before leaving college, Vivan proposed Bulbul, and she accepted his proposal happily. Within one year, Arjun also got committed to Shivanya. Now, Abhi is the one who is single in their gang.

On such day

Abhi, Arjun, and Vivan were sitting in the hangout area.

Abhi: Are you both free today? Let's go for a movie.

Arjun: We are too busy.

Abhi: Why?

Vivan: We have appointments with our girlfriends.

Both said proudly, whereas Abhi signed.

Abhi: Are you indirectly insulting me?

Arjun: No. We are directly insulting you.

Abhi frowns. As he got pissed off, he went from there. While roaming in his college, his eyes became wider, seeing the person. Soon, his lips curved to a smile.

Purab: For how much time you are going to stare at this building? Do you have an idea to go to class or not?

Pragya: No, Purab, I'm just confirming whether what I see is real or not. I cannot believe my eyes Puru.

Purab pinched her whereas she shouts in pain.

Pragya: Idiot, it is paining..

Purab: You only said na you want to confirm whether it is true or not, that's why I pinched you...

Pragya: Idiot.

Purab: Thank You...

Abhi chuckled, hearing their conversation.

Abhi thinks: Is this is true? Or my imagination? My god, she is here. My Pragya is here.

Abhi jumped in happiness, whereas Arjun and Vivan, who saw them, came towards him with a confused face.

Arjun: What happened to you? Why are you shouting like an idiot?

Abhi gestured Arjun to come closer to him. With a weird face, Arjun neared him. Abhi went towards Arjun's ears.

Abhi shouted: My Pragya is back...

Arjun screamed in horror, whereas Vivan bursts into a laugh. Arjun became freeze. Abhi grinned and gave a deep kiss in Vivan's cheek, making him stunned. Smiling, Abhi went from there.

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