Not the only one

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A/N i just want to say thank you all for the support and votes i am so thankful for you taking your time and reading this horribly written book, also keep those comments coming you guys crack me up 😂

Damiens p.o.v

I put back on my boxers along with my sweatpants and looked outside the balcony, the moon was on the horizon as small ripples of water could be seen.

Lets just hope i still have time.

*a few hours ago*

"Alright we're here Aiden is keeping them busy so we have plenty of time."  Jackson said and placed his phone back inside his pocket. Since Aiden was already in Bora Bora we had him and his friends keep the girls distracted so we can move in. We landed at one of the landing pads and we got off the plane, i fixed my black buttoned up shirt and walked towards the elevator. Leading us to the main lobby of Jaxons hotel, a car was parked to the front of the hotel, Jaxon got inside the car along with the rest of us and started driving.

Soon enough we were at their house and watched as the girls drove off, Jaxon unlocked the door and we made our way inside. I went upstairs and looked through every room until i found Angelicas, it was pretty obvious because the earrings i gave her were on the bed. I felt so dull without her, so useless. I sat on the edge of the bed and started thinking about the purpose for everything, why couldn't i just see what was going on. I really am crazy, i told her i was going to make her the happiest women alive. Im such a liar.

I forced her to do what i wanted and never took account of what she felt, this stupid sickness. Why couldn't i just be normal, why couldn't i have done things differently. Why cant i just be good for once.

"Damien." I snapped out of my thoughts by Connor standing at the corner of the door.

"You alright man, i called your name three times." He said and i stood up and walked towards him.

"Yeah im good, no need to worry. I'll be heading over for the surprise alright, catch ya later." I said and waved goodbye, he knew i was lying and i could tell. I've seen guys like Connor before who can tell when something is wrong with any person, and to be honest it was a bit intimidating knowing they can't be tricked. I grabbed the mask that was given to me by Bryant and i could just hear his voice telling me that this was a good idea, lets just hope it works.

*during the plane ride*
"Trust me she's going to love it, what's more sexier than a guy who can dance while being mysterious." He said and i just sighed.

"I don't know, what if she figures out its me." I said a bit worried

"Look Damien if you want this to works then start believing in yourself, so pull yourself together and be the confident Damien you used to be." He said and patted my shoulder

"Alright if you say so." I said and put the mask in my pocket.
*back to where we were*

I looked at my phone and went to Angelicas location, when i arrived there the staff already knew i was coming and made sure to stall until i got there. One of the staff members helped me put on the mask and gave me a rose then went on stage. I could hear him speaking to the that the show was about to begin, here we go.

One of the dancers signaled for me to come onto the stage, i moved the curtains slightly and walking into the circle of fire that was around us. My Angelica.

She noticed me but was more entranced with the fire surrounding her, i took her hand and spun her around so her back was against mine and whispered into her ear.

"Just follow my lead." And with those words i began the dance, thanks to my parents when i was in high school they wanted me to take tango classes but now im glad i took them. We moved to the rhythm of the music as i spun her around and dipped her a couple of times. I ended the dance by dipping her one final time and placing the rose they gave me in her hair.

"I missed you baby." I whispered into her ear and took her left hand in mind and kissed it, i noticed she still had the ring which made me smile. I let go of her hand and disappeared with the other dancers back stage.

"Well i didn't think you could still dance like that sir."  One of the staff members said to me and took of my mask, he was an old colleague of my fathers and knew him ever since high school. I would see him very often as my father and mother enjoyed his company.

"Oh thank you Michael, i still can't believe i still got it." I laughed and so dod he.

"You always were a pretty good dancer Damien, I'll see you later I've got a restaurant to run." He said and waved goodbye to me, i did the same and went back into the car.  I left the restaurant and made my way back to the house, some of the guys were playing pool and watching tv while the others had drinks in their hands.

"You know what i think, j think that these ladies don't like us one bit." Said a drunk Connor i chuckled and headed upstairs and laid down waiting for her to come back.

*present time*

I don't have much time when it comes to it, i know he wont be please on what i did but he has to meet her some day. My Grandfather.

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