
Veronica’s eyes were red the next day. She didn’t feel like opening up the shop but what was there to do at home? Cry?

She’d heard Matt leaving an hour ago. She lay down on her bed and looked at the ceiling. Whatever she did she couldn’t get the pain out of her chest. She’d cried all day yesterday when she went to her family’s vacation house. But she still couldn’t fell okay. She still couldn’t help but cry in front of him.

Veronica put her hand to her heart.

You’re strong, Veronica. You have gone through this before. You’ve been through worst. Just keep going. Fight! She told herself.

She took a deep breath, got up and started getting ready. She needed to be strong. The world wasn’t going to stop just because Matt called her the wrong name. During love-making.

Her eyes suddenly watered. She rushed to the shower and let the water take away her tears. She needs to stop crying.


Veronica left her room and quickly prepared breakfast. She turned her head and saw a bundle of roses on the table. She couldn’t bring herself to walk over there. The next thing she knew, she was on the floor, gripping her chest, sobbing like a little child.

How long is this torture going to take place?


Matt stared at the papers on his desk but his mind was blank. He couldn’t understand anything and he couldn’t calm his nerves. He wanted to call his wife so badly but he couldn’t do it.

Did she see the flowers? Will they be okay later?

He bowed down and pulled on his own hair. When were they ever okay? Their relationship was rocky from the start. It was just a fake marriage! Why is he so damn worried?

Yes, he wanted this. He wanted to see her suffer every single day. He wanted her to experience the pain he went through. He wanted vengeance. But this wasn’t the right way. He can hurt her in many other ways. He can make their business crash, he can start ruining their marriage in the eyes of people, he can destroy the friendship between their families. But this… this was just out of his plans.

“Lorrie?” he spoke through the intercom.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Cancel all my appointments for today. I have something more important to do.”

“Sir?” she sounded confused.

“You heard me, cancel it all. Rearrange them somewhere this week.” He was getting irritated.

“Right away, Sir!”


Matt opened the car door, but changed his mind and he closed it again. He turned and looked at the white roses in the seat next to him. The petals were falling off and they were nearly brown. How long has he been here?

He could see Veronica from his car. It’s been nearly two hours. He watched her every move. She was speaking to a customer.

When the customer left, Matt took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed her number. He saw her stare at her phone. Her expression changed when she saw who was calling and she quickly threw it in her bag. He called her again, but she didn’t bother looking at it. Matt smeared his face and jabbed the steering wheel. Why the hell does he care so much?

He started the car. There was only person he could go to.

It was night time when Matt decided to go home. His mind was still a mess. Talking to Bianca didn’t help at all.

“You’re in love! I mean, you’re still in love.”

“Love is out of this, Bianca. I’m just guilty. I still hate her, FYI.”

“Why would you feel guilty then? Since when do you start caring about someone you hate? Why would you bother sending her flowers? Why would you cancel your meetings just to see her? And why would you be spending your time here talking to me as if the whole world is upon your shoulders just because your wife doesn’t want to talk to you if you have no feelings for her? You love her, Matt. You can’t lie.”

“Oh, shut up. I came here to ask you what I should do, not how I feel.”

“You should make it up for her, Matt. That is, if you really care for her. You didn’t just wound her ego. You wounded her soul. And that takes time to heal.”

“I know.”

“You know it’s almost unforgivable, right?”

He nodded.

“I don’t know where to start.” He ran his palms through his face.

“Know what, Matt?”


“I’ve never seen anyone looking as pathetic as you do. So no matter how many times you tell me you have no feelings for her, I’m not going to believe you. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? You would be the exact picture of the word desperate.”

Matt didn’t bother arguing with Bianca. He felt tired talking to her. And he knew himself well. He was still angry at Veronica. His anger wouldn’t disappear just like that no matter how much he hurt her. He could never forgive her.

But seeing her cry is another thing. And what he did was the worst crime a man can commit.

“If it could have been me, would you react like that?” Bianca asked, examing his expression.

He couldn’t answer.

“If you had called out Veronica’s name while we are having sex, would you react like this?” she repeated.

“Probably.” He answered. But he could never imagine having sex with Bianca.

“Probably not.” She smiled. “You’re not a good liar, do you know that?”

He sighed.


For one week, Veronica avoided Matt. He didn’t see her in the morning, and she was asleep when he came home at night. He couldn’t sleep. His guilt was eating him and he could do nothing but send her flowers. He wasn’t himself and he couldn’t think straight. He wanted to talk to her. He wanted her to laugh again even though it was fake.  And he wanted to see the happiness in her eyes, just like on their wedding day. But he didn’t know how.

It was Friday night, and Veronica’s car was parked outside when he arrived home. He wanted to talk to her even though he had no clue what to say. He had no idea how not to affect the pain he was seeing in her eyes.

When he got inside, he saw the flowers he’d sent her in a vase. Matt sighed in relief because she didn’t throw them away. He found himself staring at her door. He wanted to knock. But his hands felt heavy and he couldn’t bring himself to move it. He didn’t know how long he stood there. He nearly jumped when the door suddenly opened.

“Oh my God!” Veronica shouted when she suddenly ran into something in front of her door. She felt scared and startled.

They both fell on the floor. But when she smelled the familiar scent and felt her heart skip a beat, she knew who she ran into.

“What were you doing in front of my room!” she yelled as she quickly got up and brushed herself off.

But Matt stayed on the floor, his face wrinkled.

“Matt?” she slowly stepped forward and helped him up. “Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?”

“I’m… okay.” He said, even though he was obviously in pain.

“Why were you even standing there?” she asked while helping him onto the couch. “Does it really hurt?”

He shook his head.

Veronica stared at Matt. It’s been a week since she last saw his face. Now that she’d seen him she wanted to hug him tightly. She secretly gazed at him.

He had more eye bags than usual and his cheeks looked tired. Did he have a lot of work? Were there problems in the company?

For a few minutes, the quietly sat on the couch. All they could hear was each other’s breathing. Veronica stood up to leave.

“Can we talk?” he asked.

She stopped.

“What for?”

“I don’t know.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.” she said in a flat tone.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of keys. They looked at each other. Matt hastily stood up and pulled Veronica behind him. He grabbed the vase getting ready to throw it at whoever was outside. But they were surprised when the door opened.

“Damn it!” Matt said as he put down the vase.

“Hi guyssss!!”

“Elaiza!” Veronica uttered, confused.

“Can’t you even knock?!”

“It’s okay, Matt.”

“Sorry, Matt! I forgot to tell you, I still have the key. And I’m about to surprise you guys. SURPRISE!” she squealed while jumping up and down and clapping her hands.

Veronica shook her head. How can they pretend they are okay?

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