Chapter 16 [Neck fetish]

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Woman wants a man
who is in control,
but not a man who,
is controlling.

"I see, you are loving his company, wife." His voice boomed throughout the room. I flinched and turned to watch him.

Even by seeing his face,  his words buzz in my mind.

My jaws clenched and unclenched. I twitched a muscle of my face to calm down my unnerving and fidgity nerves.

The guard who was about to apply antiseptic on my burning thigh stopped midway and boldly addressed the so called owner of the house.

"Zacharius, you may go now. I'll handle her now." He spoke to the guard or Zacharius without moving his gaze from me.

I looked towards Zacharius in an accusing gaze. What the....

"You traitor. What is he doing here? You told him about me, didn't you? Answer me, dammit." I shouted at him. And he only smirked and winked at me.

Now I understand it. That ass of a man. He was talking to him when I thought he must be muttering to himself.

But, no. He was updating him about me. Fag.

Zacharius winked at me while exiting the bathroom while I showered him with all the profanities I knew of English.

After shouting so much my throat was sore and I was breathing heavily.

My mouth was dry and I was shaking due to anger.

"You let him touch you, wife. This time I'm letting it go but next time I see any other fucking man touching you with or without your permission, you will be locked in our room. Did this thing get into your thick skull?" he coldly stated in his gravelly voice.

By the time he completed I was seething now. He thinks of himself as a god. Bitch.

"No, I don't understand because I fucking don't want to understand. You have no control over me and you'll never either have. Do you get it?" I yelled at him and mocked him in the same tone as his.

His muscle on the right cheek twitched as he started nearing me. And in a four large steps he covered the distance of bathroom that was separating me and him earlier.

He did not touch me or hit me. And this is what drove me to the edge from anxiety and fear.

He dipped his face in my neck and without any warning bit me hard on the junction of my neck and shoulder straps.

I cried instantly in pain and agony of not being able to save myself from him. He bit there mercilessly again and again while I struggled to get my neck away from his mouth.

He did not even touch any other body part of him to me instead of his face but then also I was unable to escape.

"I love your neck in red. Remember, all of you can be in red if you don't work on this ' snap back ' theory or habit of yourself." He threatened me while biting once more. Hard.

I whimpered and spoke through my teeth "You are a monster, Mr. Bradford. Once, I get papers back of my parent's house, I'll show you my true colours. Then you'll know what it feels like to be hurt."

His face turned into the most callous and dark shade. That no one could have. Leaving him.

The Fuck!

He looked into my eyes intensely as if reading through my soul. His grey eyes gave me a blank but thunderous look. I don't know how?

His eyes, grey eyes were a rare eye colour. And his were purely one in trillions and yes, I can bet on it.

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