The Wine Cellar

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Sitting on his platform watching his Disciples scurrying about the hall to offer refreshments and Kunlun Tea to the guests who had arrived to welcome back the resurrected War God, Mo Yuan sighed again as more visitors arrived. He knew he should be grateful for the effort they had all made to visit him, and he should try harder to smile and welcome them affectionately, but he was tired of it already. He had been back only two days, and he was exhausted by the endless questions on things they could not grasp no matter how simplified he made his answers.

"High God Mo Yuan. How did you manage to piece your soul together after it shattered?" some young fresh faced boy asked with eyes filled with awe and excitement.

Looking down at him, Mo Yuan realized the child hadn't even been born when he had sacrificed his soul for the Realms, yet the once again the same question he had been asked by untold young faces just as awestruck to be in his presence was echoing through the hall and giving him a headache.

Smiling at the boy who had arrived without his parents or even a guardian, Mo Yuan kept the same demeanor he had always held. Polite, gentle yet distant.

"Why don't you come and have some tea, you must be tired after your long journey." Zi Lans soft voice interrupted them as he guided the boy towards the rest having noticed the exhaustion on his Shifus face and the way his eyes kept darting towards the nearest exit.

Also noticing, Zhe Yan rose to approach the young boy who was trying to turn back because he had not received an answer.

"There will be no more visitors and no more questions. High God Mo Yuan will be taking a break." he said firmly down at the young face who was about to argue, only the look in Zhe Yans eyes, soon had him scooting backwards to join the rest who were all questioning the Disciples on their way of life and perhaps advice on how to become one of them.

Taking the opportunity that Zhe Yan had created for him, Mo Yuan rose and left the Hall for the solitude of his chamber. He was happy to be back of course, and he was even happier to see that his Disciples had created wonderful lives for themselves in his absence including the one who never left his mind since the day of his return.

And a wonderful life she would have, he thought sadly to himself as he walked the corridors aimlessly lost in thought as snippets of past conversations and endless mischief assailed him. She had been so young then, full of life and so carefree but so brave, he thought to himself as Yao Guang came back to him. And he had loved her, for the first time in his entire life he had allowed himself to dwell on a future that he hoped she would one day be a part of.

Only the war saw it all scatter along with his soul. He had not even had the opportunity to tell her how he felt because she had been too young, so he held off with the thought that in time and with life experience she would reach an age where he would be able to claim her, but it seemed as if fate had cruelly snatched her out from under him, and given her to his brother instead.

Not bothering to look up as he walked, he was surprised to hear the soft voice of the very woman who was causing a lot of upheaval in his mind since the moment he found out she was engaged to his brother, and as he looked about, he was surprised to find himself in the wine cellar, a place he would find her often when she was younger. It was the first place anyone looked for her when she went missing and that was more often than not.

But as he began to descend the steps, he realized she had been missing for a few days. Zhe Yan had mentioned that she never left Qing Qiu, instead remaining at his side the entire time. Though saddened by this news, he understood her desire to be left alone. She was too familiar with the peace and quiet having secluded herself from her fellow Immortals, and it seemed even here on Kunlun Mountain, the noise and attention in the end became too much for her.

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