Yun smiled at Kehlani's words; her aura had nothing to do with her social class. It came from her ego. Yun liked to believe she held herself with a particular dignity that not everyone could exude.

"Oh, and have yall stuff packed and ready because we leave next week," Yun said as her eyes searched around for the only person who could make her feel something remotely close to love. But her eyes came up short, and she let out an irritated sigh.

"She's not here, Nalani, went to visit her mother and spend time with her family." Honey nodded then went back to taking phone calls and setting up appointments.

"Hmm, I see," Yun mumbled to herself as she heads to hers and Matthew's office.

Matthew and Yun walked side-by-side quietly into their shared office and sat down at the desks beside each other. Neither dared to take a look at each other as they stared ahead at the door, almost expecting someone to come in and talk to them. The air thickened with tension and unsaid words. It was like a snake wrapping itself around their throat, slowly cutting off their air supply and suffocating them.

"I miss you and Adonis," Yun noted as she kept her gaze downwards; she wasn't ready to look Matthew in the eyes.

"Adonis misses you too. He constantly asks for you." Matthew began typing on his computer while Yun busied herself signing papers and planning the schedule to fit around their trip.

"What about you, do you miss me?" Yun finally looked over to Matthew to see him looking at her, both of their eyes swimming with ambiguous words. "I know I was pissy towards you, but I was just upset is all. Everything I said was uncalled for and shouldn't have been said either way."

Yun said what she thought Matthew wanted to hear, she knew what she said was wrong, but a part of didn't care. That scared her the most...her weak conscience scaring away the people she was starting to care about.

"Of course, I miss you like crazy, but I don't like it when you push me away. Don't disregard my feelings for you when I'm only trying to help you." Matthew's lips formed into a thin line as he spoke guardedly.

"I'll be more open with you, I'll listen to you more, but please don't give up on me just yet." That would genuinely be her breaking point; having Matthew give up on her would be the heart-shattering trigger for her.

"I won't, you can't get rid of me that easily." Matthew smiled with a roll of his eye.

They both went back to quietly finishing up work. Sania came into the office and comfortably laid herself across Yun's desk with her legs in the air. Her golden-brown legs covered and hidden underneath black, addidas sweat pants.

"Ny mamas, get off my desk. I swear you act more and more like an animal every day." Yun muttered the last part, knowing it wasn't polite, and that Sania would no doubt reprimand her.

"You said something smart?" Sania said with a raised eyebrow, daring Yun to repeat herself so that she could throw her shoes at Yun again.

"No ma'am," Yun replied as Matthew laughed at how in check Sania had Yun.

"I was just coming in to tell you that your father would like to talk to you, pooh." Sania watch Yun, she wasn't sure what to expect, but Yun didn't make any sudden movements.

"Okay, I'll call him right now. Thank you, Ny." Yun spoke as politely as her voice would let her. She picked up her phone without hesitating and called Aalia.

"What?" She heard Aalia reply curtly as if she was already in a bad mood.

"Lose the attitude, my love," Yun smiled at the growl on the other end of the phone.

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