24: We Have A Deal

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***Ash's POV ***

Something's up. I just asked Reese if she knows anything about the attacker being affiliated with a gang in California. She looks like she's either going to hurl or pass out.

"Reese, talk to me." I urge her to bring me into the fold.

"Ash. I can't. I can't do this. I need to go." She is starting to freak out. I need to do something. I need her to know how much I care about her.

"Damn it, Reese. Don't do this to me. I love you." I blurt out.

Oh shit.

Did I just say what I think I did?

Do I love her?

I take her hands I mine. Touching her instantly makes me feel better. More grounded. Complete.

"You can't." She says, shaking her head like she can make my love disappear.

"Why can't I, Reese? You don't have to say it back. I just want you to know you can talk to me. That I care about you. That I won't let you run away from me for some bullshit reason because I think you care about me too and something is holding you back." I ramble. Might as well get it all out there.

"Ash, please. Just let me go." She pleads. Something in me refuses. Instead I pull her trembling body into my arms. I know I made the right choice when she doesn't fight me. When she calms as I encircle her in my arms.

"I love you." Her voice is small, but I know what I heard. I try not to get ahead of myself. "I love you, though I shouldn't. Even as I say it and feel it, it crushes me because it puts you in danger."

"Look I want to know everything. I want to understand, but give me your eyes for a second." I demand. She has this habit of shutting me out by denying me access to her soulful eyes.

No more.

I need her to see me and I need to see her. She turns her head up to me, but is slow to open those eyes. When she does the first thing I notice is that they have become almost translucent gold when she's been crying.

"I want to look you in the eyes when I say it. I love you, Reese Hutton." Her eyes sparkle and she goes to glance away. I clamp my hands delicately on either side of her face.


My phone rings. I wish I could chuck the damn thing against the wall. I refuse to let her go. "Tell me, Reese."

"I love you, Devon Ashley Lewis."

I lean my forehead against hers and inhale deeply, overcome with all kinds of emotion. My phone stops ringing.

"Thank you, baby. Now let's figure this out together." I say, satisfied that together we can get through whatever this is.

She nods. The police want us to come to the station to see if we can give them anymore information. Reese seems to know something that will help.

We get dressed and I realize we haven't eaten anything all day. Then I have a brilliant idea. The food truck outside!

We head down. The owner is a real nice gal, older. Reese and I must look like we need a good meal because she takes our order and refuses to let me pay. Reese and I walk Lupa while we wait for our food.

A car backfires and Reese nearly crawls out of her skin. She starts trembling again. I try my best to calm her, but something is really getting her going. She promised to reveal all when we meet with the police after we get some food in us, but I'm having a hard time seeing her like this.

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