Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Emma cradled the phone against her shoulder. "He's not picking up. What's going on? Why haven't we heard anything?"

Beside her, Pat was stirring a cup of long-cold coffee. At a buzz in her headset, she grabbed a pencil and scribbled on a coffee-stained notebook. "They're OK. Nine-one-one just forwarded a text from one of the hostages, Ms. Lopez."

The phone Emma held came to life. "Emma, are you there?"

She mouthed "Sherman" for Pat's benefit, but the negotiator's face was intent, already listening to his voice through her headset.

"I'm here," Emma said.

"Is Suzy there?" 

"Yes, yes." She waved to Bryan, urging him to bring Suzy back to the phone. "Just a minute."

"Don't leave me, Emma."

"I won't. I promise I won't." She covered the mouthpiece and whispered to Suzy. "It's Uncle Sherman."

She placed the phone in Suzy's hands. "Go on. It's Uncle Sherman."

"Hi," Suzy said.

Emma leaned close to listen. "Suzy, is that you? Are you OK?"

Suzy looked at Emma, whispering words to her. "I love you, Uncle Sherman."

"I love you too, kiddo." The line on his end filled with background noises.

"He put it on speaker," Pat said in answer to Emma's questioning glance.

"He wants Jim to hear? Jim's all right?"

Pat was writing furiously. She shoved a sheet of script across the desk. Emma scanned it, took the phone and handed Suzy back to Bryan.

"Mommy, take Mandy," Suzy said as the lawyer led her away. "You can hold her. If you're scared, just hold her."

"Sherman," Pat cut in on the call, "Suzy's mother tells us you would never harm the little girl."

Emma threw her a startled look but Pat was signaling to the other officers in the room. "In view of that, we're willing to consider releasing her to you."

Emma opened her mouth, but before she could scream "no," before she can rip the microphone away from that treacherous negotiator, Bryan clapped a hand over her mouth.


Twenty minutes later, she was sitting in the hospital chapel, clasping a childish figure against her shoulder. Her other arm supported the skinny, blue-legginged calves, the dangling sneaker-clad feet. What the hell? This crazy plan was liable to get them all killed -- her, Jim. And Suzy. She couldn't bear think about Suzy. She'd never forgive herself if anything happened to Suzy.

Blue uniforms lined one side of the hallway from the chapel doorway to the patients' entrance, now cleared of everybody except police.

"I can make the exchange for you if you'd rather not," Pat said.

"I'm OK." Emma tucked the small head more tightly against her shoulder, smoothing her hair over it protectively. "It's better for me to do it."

Pat helped her stand. 

Leaning on Pat, Emma emerged from the dim chapel into the glare of the fluorescent-lighted hallway. She looked straight ahead, seeing nothing except the glossily-buffed floor that disappeared under the curve of her belly as she moved forward.

"Breathe," Pat said. "Don't forget to breathe. And keep your eyes open."

Emma nodded shakily. 

Beyond the line of police, there was a hesitant tramp of feet. She tried to speak but no sound came from her dry throat and lips. She swallowed hard, licking her stiffened lips, and tried again. "Sherman, is that you?" Her voice was a croak, barely audible even to her own ears.

"I'm here, baby." The footsteps were nearer. "Let me see you. I need to see you and Suzy."

She stepped forward, one hand pressed self-consciously -- protectively -- to her belly. She could see them now -- Jim halted, standing rigid, Sherman looming behind, his gun pressed into Jim's back.

She looked into Jim's eyes, saw his horror at the sight of the small burden clasped against her shoulder. She wanted to smile to reassure him,  but her entire face was too cold and stiff to respond.

"Hand her to me, Emma," Sherman said.

She hugged the mute figure in her arms more tightly,  half turning away from Sherman. "Put down your gun. Please don't let Suzy see you like that."

"Sherman, let Dr. Kotay step away," Pat said.

Sherman hesitated, his eyes wavering between Emma and Jim, between Emma and what she held.

"Look, I'm coming to you with Suzy." She edged forward, her head bent to the half-hidden figure tucked against her shoulder. "Let Jim go."

The muzzle of Sherman's gun dropped from its contact with Jim's back. He moved a step away, facing Emma from the opposite side of the hallway.

She swayed back and forth indecisively.

"It's all right, Emma." Pat gripped her shoulder. "Everything will be all right. Go ahead."

Emma swung suddenly toward Sherman. She shoved the figure with its blue leggings, tiny sneaker-clad feet, into his arms. Was as quickly jerked away by Pat's grasp.

"What?" Sherman stared into the face of the limp figure in his arms. "My God, what have you done? Suzy! Suzy!"

He tossed the doll from him. Only an instant had passed, but that was enough.

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