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I need to leave in a few minutes, I'm sorry. Today is the day I hope to get my device fixed. I may come back in and hour, I may come back in a month. Who knows? Idk for sure. Remember I love you and if I do lose the account I'll tag all my followers and all my following. U will be the first to know tho, since I won't have it with me. So thank you!

bbyJEONGINNIE  I love you. So here you go!

Meowwwwwww🥺😭😔😘❤️💔*whimper* hope to see youw soon. Bwye🥺

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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My announcements because they don't work idk.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora