"She was never yours to begin with." I said harshly.

Jared stood up then, finally letting go of Mandy, who after being released from his grip, quickly scooted her chair over to the safety of Noelle. He smacked both hands on the table and leaned towards me. "Yes, she was mine as soon as we had our first date."

Now I stood up and made sure that I was at eye level with him. "No, you lost her the first time that you cheated on her! She was never yours, ever! Do you get that? Hell, you probably went on a date with someone else right after you took her home! You're a lousy jerk, you're scum."

I became very aware on the fact that I was making a scene. But, I couldn't care less, I was way too angry now and so ready to put him in his place.

Jared's face flushed scarlet red, but not from embarrassment, no, from pure rage. He pushed his face up so close to mine, that I could smell his minty breath and see the darker specks of blue in his light eyes.

"Don't talk to me like that. I'm not the little princess who's always seeking attention and can't for the life of her keep her mouth shut. That's you." He became angrier with each word. "You don't know anything about me and Leah, not one thing. You prance around like you know everything, and you know what's better for her but guess what Kait? You lost her. Alright? You lost her to me. She's mine." He spoke his words in this weird calm, steady, anger, he seemed like he was bubbling more and more under the surface and would soon burst.

His last words to me really fueled my anger, I couldn't stand him. I couldn't. He really does think this world is his along with everyone and everything in it. No, he can not have Leah. He never had her. To have Leah, he would've been faithful from the start. He had to be someone who actually cared for her and wasn't playing some sick game. That's what Jared was, sick. There's no other explanation for why he goes on a cheating spree, like a serial killer would go on a killing spree. That's another thing Jared was. A serial cheater, Mandy was so right.

However, as I came to this realization, I couldn't really concentrate on it, because I was so angry. My hands were tingling and I could feel my heart beat faster and could practically hear the blood pumping through my veins

"Did I finally shut you up? Huh? Did you finally realize that you can't win? That you're just some little b-"

"Shut up!" I yelled before I lunged at him.

I definitely gave the customers at the bakery a show for sure. I jumped on Jared and shoved him so hard that he almost lost his balance, he was completely taken by surprise. I couldn't control what I was doing, it's like my body was just going on it's own command.

I threw a few punches towards Jared but he blocked them all quickly, there was roaring and yelling going on around us. It was so loud that it was making my ears ring.

People all around the small space gathered around us and yelled, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

I was grabbing for Jared's face, when I felt someone tugging at my arm. When I turned to look I saw that it was Noelle, yelling for me to stop. I just shook my head, and continued to try to get my hands around Jared's neck.

Then I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me backwards. I was instantly lifted up from the floor but I kept kicking, telling them to put me down. When I looked to see who it was, I saw that it was Liam. He was saying, "Grab her legs, grab her legs!"

Then Tyler grabbed my feet and they both hauled me out of the bakery, into the freezing cold.

They managed to walk over to a bench, with me in tow and plopped me down onto it.

"What is wrong with you two?" I practically shouted, slowly trying to get up into a sitting position. "I was so close to strangling him!"

"Yeah," Tyler said, his dark blue eyes looked grim. "That's the thing. You were too close. It seriously looked like you were going to kill him."

I huffed and pulled my jacket tighter against my body to prevent shivering from the cold. "So what if I did."

Liam laughed incredulously. "So what if you killed him? Kaitlyn, do you hear yourself?"

"Did you not hear what he said in there? He's crazy. That's what he is, just so messed up beyond repair."

Liam and Tyler both looked at each other grimly. "Look," Tyler said as he shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. "You could've really gotten hurt, Kait. He could've hit you or something."

"Oh please, he wasn't going to hit me." I scoffed. "He wouldn't do that around that many people, he has a reputation to keep up. You of all people should know that."

"But, Kaitlyn," Liam said, looking angry. "Don't you get what this means?"

He looked at me then, expectantly waiting for an answer.

I shook my head. "What?"

"You embarrassed him, Kait. You already hurt part of his reputation. This means that he's going to want to get even with you. Didn't you think of that?" Liam told me.

"Well I'm sorry, but I was too busy concentrating on how I could rip Jared's head off without being arrested."

"Well, what if to get even he tries to hurt you again, Kait?" Tyler said. "Remember what happened last time?"

I sat back and sighed, recalling very well what happend last time. The very next day he took action, I cringed at the memory. I still couldn't believe that he would raise a hand to a girl.

"Well, you'll help me right?" I asked Liam. "We're in this together, aren't we?"

Liam sat down beside me and took one of my hands and held it in his. "Of course, Kaitlyn. We're a team, I won't forget that. But, I think that we're going to need some more help." He glanced over at Tyler who looked at us with pure confusion.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, we're going to have to recruit another member for our team, don't we?"

"What are you guys talking about?" Tyler asked. "What team?"

Liam gave my hand a squeeze before letting go. "I'll take this."

Then, he got up and put a hand on Tyler's shoulder and explained everything to Tyler about our plan to expose Jared and our "team."

Tyler nodded all throughout Liam's explanation, listening carefully. I had my fingers crossed, hoping that he'd want to team up with us and help us out. It would definitely get things going faster. I'm just really hoping that he wouldn't be too hard to convince.

When Liam finished, he looked at Tyler and said, "So how about it?"

Tyler looked at the both of us. "Are you kidding?"

I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

He smiled brightly. "Of course I'm in, what kind of a friend would I be then? It'd feel so good to put Jared in his place for once, although, that was some attack you just launched on Jared, Kait."

I sighed an enormous sigh of relief and jumped up to hug Tyler. "Thank you so much, seriously, this means so much."

We all got into a group hug then, completely ecstatic with the idea of working on this together.

When we all pulled away from each other, Tyler put a hand up as if to silence us. "Wait, one question though?"

"What is it?" Liam asked.

"What's our team name?"


I finally updated, yay! Sorry, that it's been a while, I had a lot of stressful things going on. D: But, here it is, I hope that you lovely readers enjoyed it, please leave comments letting me know what you thought, because I write for you guys and your opinions! Please vote if you liked it or want to! <3

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