Chapter Thirteen - August 16th

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Perfect. That's the only possible way to describe the last few days. Although, I'd asked for our realtionship to remain a secret until I was ready to come out to my friends, Sebastian and I had been hanging out just the two of us.

"Hey, Seb?" I said.

We were lying on my bed. Everyone had gone out for the day and I'd feigned sick to get out of it.


"I'm ready."

"For what?"

"To come out to my friends about our relationship. I know I said it might take me a while, but I just want it to happen. I mean, Jacob is already convinced I have a crush on you."

Sebastian turned his head to me. "Since when?"

"When we went to the waterfall."

"And did you?"

"I don't know. I didn't think I did."

"What happened?"

"What do you mean?"

I turned my head. Our noses touched together.

"If you didn't think you liked me then, what changed?"

"Honestly, the kiss. You know they say 'when you're kissed by the person who's right for you, you feel fireworks'?"

"To an extent, yes. Why?"

"I felt them. When your lips touched mine, I'm surprised I didn't fall to the ground. My legs felt like jelly and I had some serious butterflies going on."


"Yeah. Then I kissed you again, and the fireworks happened. It was like I could hear and see them. It made me feel amazing."

"You are amazing. You know the whole time I've been flirting with you, right?"

"Pft. Yeah, okay."

"No really. All the suggestive comments, like 'you want me'? I said them because I wanted you. Badly."



"Well, thanks."

"So, when we telling them?"

"When they get home. It'll be the first thing we do."

"I'm happy."

"Me too, Seb."

I kissed his lips softly, as he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.


"Stop it!" I squealed as Sebastian blew flour into my hair and all over my clothes.

"Say you're sorry, and I will," he retaliated, throwing more.

"Never!" I shouted, laughing.

I wated as Sebastian picked up the spatula covered in blue icing.

"Don't you even think about it, Sebastian," I warned.

"Too late."

I began to run. He chased me in circles around the table. Just when I thought I was going to outsmart him, he ran the same way and caught me in a bear hug from behind. He wiped the blue icing aross my cheeks.

"You're going to seriously pay for that!"

"I highly doubt it!"

Sebastian let go of me, and ran away laughing. I chased him through the kitchen, and into the front room. We ran around the sofa a couple of times, until I finally caught up. I jumped onto his back, knocking us both to the floor.

Love, Lies, and Secrets (BoyxBoy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang