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After Dinner I reside in my room. Laying on my futon I thought about (YN) she definitely feels something for me. I knew I crossed the line earlier but I didn't regret it I would do it again. Who knows what could have happened if Konro didn't disturb us...

"Look at you smiling to your self Benimaru" Konro walked in laughing to himself. "(YN) must have you wrapped around her finger"
"What do you want Konro" rolling my eyes
"I came to remind you that she has a boyfriend you can't be leaving love bites on her what if he sees it?"
I shrugged "don't really care" it wasn't like he could win a fight against me. I heard Konro let out a deep sigh "alright then see you tomorrow morning"

You stood outside Beni's room debating whether to knock or not. If he answers and you go in you knew exactly what was going to happen. You could still feel his lips against your neck it's been so long since you felt this desire. How would it look if someone caught you in his room this late? "(YN) did you need Beni for something?" Maki approached you from behind "no! I was just heading to my room" you smiled, her purple eyes store you down "okay let me walk you" she linked arms with you.

'why was she acting like this?' After arriving at your room Maki left. You brought out the pink dress hanging it near your vanity table. The orphanage was the only place you didn't have to worry about being a sister.

The sun peaked through the grey clouds. You usually got up earlier than everyone else. After a shower you got dressed. 'Beni's probably still sleeping' you went to his room. "Beni" you spoke loud enough that only he could hear. "Hold on" he said. He slid the door open.

"Morning" a sly smirk on his face. He had a small cloth over his head, his hair was soaking wet. Your eyes scrolled down to his shirtless body his lower half only covered by a towel. "M-Morning" trying your best to keep eye contact. Beni leaned against the door frame. His chiselled abs glistened from the water. "Give me five minutes...or maybe 30 if you want to come inside" he ran his fingers through his wet hair. Your eyes widened 'did he really just elude to-' the endless possibilities of what you two could achieve in that time ran thought your mind. You could feel your face going red.

One of the other room doors opened, it was Maki
"I thought I heard your voice" Beni closed his door and you made sure you weren't outside of Beni's room.
"The soft pink really brings out your eyes (YN) come!" She grabbed your hand bringing you to her room. She sat you down and began brushing your hair. "Maki is everything okay?" You asked "yes why do you ask?" "Your acting a bit strange" "I'm making sure you don't make a mistake"

"What?" You turned looking at her "(YN) your beautiful and have a loving boyfriend why throw it away by messing with Benimaru?" She continued brushing my hair 'she knows?' "I see the way he looks at you...I know he's handsome but he also has a reputation"
"What reputation?" What was she getting at.
"He only sleeps with women he's not interested in a relationship"
"How do you know this?" You fully faced her "ladies talk (YN), a couple women from other stations told me"

"I don't believe it" you got up "you'll see, and do you really want to break Shinjis heart you guys are perfect for each other" Maki spoke

"Perfect? We are far from that. How would you even know? you only see what's on the outside, you know what I'm done here" you left.

Walking right past Beni "(YN)?" He called for you. "Don't follow me...please" you left the station.

At the orphanage Obasan was getting the kids ready for the day "(YN)!" One of them ran towards you with his arms stretched out "Okita! Good morning, I hope your not giving Obasan trouble" you picked him up. The little boy had sandy coloured hair with matching eyes "I'm playing hide and seek" he giggled "Okita!" Oba called for him "He's here!" You shouted playfully "noo! (YN)" you let him go and he ran upstairs. You watched the other kids run upstairs with him.

"(YN)" a deep voice called for you. Shinji walked into your view "I thought you weren't going to be here?" You asked "I left some stuff here I'm heading out now" he kissed you and for a while now there wasn't any spark behind it. Your heart didn't flutter- nothing.

"Take that dress off I don't like it, I've bought you better ones" "you always have to dictate what I wear and do-"
"(YN) it's for the best...your not dating one of those bums on the street your dating me, I expect my woman to dress a certain way" he held the side of your neck, he paused looking at his hand "when did you start putting makeup on your neck?" Your hand covered your neck, you put concealer on the marks Beni left behind.

"Anyway I should be back later today" he leaned down "your still on the pill right? You could spend the night at my house"
"I stoped taking it, it was making me sick-"
"(YN) I can't have sex without you taking it, I've told you this! I can't risk having a child with you"

"Your not fucking serious, hurry up and go" you told him. He remind silent as he closed the door behind him. 'He doesn't even care about my wellbeing'
Fuck him.

When I Dream of You Benimaru x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now