Chapter 2.

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Okay before I start my friend Livvy said more fluff I was so temped on reciting Shrek is love Shrek is life but I didn't so on with the story.....
"Ugh, where...oh I'm here" I say starting to wake. "GET UP" I scream sounding as if I had seen a murder. Everyone Jucilei jumped to there feet as I saturated to fake cry going on with if I had seen something. "Mo, what happened?" Liv comforted. "Go back to sleep it's one, no wonder why no one woke up" I cracked a smile as she released it was fake. She playfully punched my arm.
"Well let's prank Jerome and Mitch there in there rooms and as I call it the war zones."
"Eggs, whip cream and silly sting is all that we have for messy stuff." Liv whispers
"Time for some egging and mess in the war zone!" I silently scream everyone but them had fallen asleep out here from watching movies, they must have moved during the night. We crept down the hall; me with the silly string and phone in hand and Liv with eggs and her phone in hand ready to capture the moment.
"Read....Lets Do This!!" I scream as we bombard the room they were staying in? Eggs and silly string flew around as I capture picture. "What is this!" Mitch said hair covered in eggs.
"My god you two are going to get it!" Jerome yelled as he started to get up.
I looked at Liv fear in my eyes "RUN!!" We bolted out the room them hot on our tails.
"HELP US!! ATTACKERS!!!" I scream hearing moans coming from down stair, everyone was waking up.
"HEL.." I scream before getting tackled by a eggy Mitch and Liv getting pinned down by a stringy Jerome.
"Get off" I giggled as Mitch started covering me on eggs.
As I love over to liv I say "Good thing I'm not wearing good pjs" a eruption of laughter was created by the four of us. But down stair I only hear complaints and mumbles of what was happening.

Surprise a chapter that's early.... Next chapter I know is a cliff hanger and Livvy is going to hate me so I'll have fun with the hate from her and my update it early if I write the 4. Cheaper Mmkay byyeeeeeeeeeee

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