Chapter 32 🖤

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Isabella's POV

I look back at Lucas as he makes his way up the stairs stunned by his outburst. Although I was not too fond of living with the man, I thought I was going to be. After all, he did say that I will be when he was done handling whatever chaos my brother had created two months ago.

"Bella" my brother calls snapping me from my thoughts and I turn my attention to him from the now-empty staircase. "Let's go," he tells me walking over to the shoe rack by the door and begin putting on his shoes to leave.

" don't have anything you want to pack before we go?" I ask walking over to the door as I try to clear my mind of anything that has to do with Lucas.

And come to think of it, just after he had said all those shit in the car to me about his feelings now he wants to talk about getting out of his house. What the fuck kind of psychotic shit is that. And not even that too, I kissed the psycho just 30 minutes ago just because the dick head said he missed me, what kind of psycho am I?

"I did not necessarily come here voluntarily which means I didn't really have time to pack anything with a bag over my head and all" my brother shrugs snapping me out of my thoughts once again.

"Well, I figured you did since you had the time to get your self in that mess in the first place" I push past him and pull the door open and walk to the car which was waiting in front of the porch.

"Are you seriously still mad at me?" Vincent questions following after me in the car and taking a seat beside me.

"Are you seriously asking me this question right now? I could honestly could kill you right now Vincent. That's how fucking mad I am at you" I growl in anger.

"Well I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I really am sorry Isabella"

"You're supposed to be older Vincent and you're supposed to know better, none of this would have happened if you knew better and act as my older brother. I would not have to deal with any of what I have dealt with these past months if you had just acted like my older brother" I try to control the volume of my voice so I would not disturb the driver who was trying his best to not seem as if he was listening to our conversation.

"And I'm saying I'm sorry I did not mean to bring you into any of this and if you got hurt I'm sorry I never meant for that to happen" I watch as Vincent runs his hand through his hair in a frustrating manner. "I mean hell Bella I'm your older brother, I know I'm supposed to protect you and all but everyone makes mistakes and this was one of my mistakes and I'm apologizing for it so please just accept it."

"Just accept it?" I cough out a laugh in disbelief. "Just accept your stupid ass apology after what you made me go through? You just want me to accept it and forget about the most horrible months of my life-..."

"Now you know those were not the worst of your life so stop overreacting. I didn't cause you the most horrible months of your life and I know you know damn well who did" Vincent cuts me off before I could finish my sentence and my throat starts to close up.

"Don't you dare mention-..."

"No, I'm sick of walking around you on thin ice Isabella. I'm not dad and I will never be dad stop leaning on me and trying to turn me into him. I got myself in trouble and then I got out of it I never hurt you as he did so stop acting like I just did."

"You selfish little shit" I curse a tear running down my face.

"I'm not selfish."

"Yes, the fuck you are!"

"Then how the fuck am I selfish!? Trying to live my own life is not fucking selfish it's called living."

"Oh God-..." it finally comes to me now this whole thing, it was starting to make sense and what Lucas said was right. "You left me...on purpose?" I manage to let out as my vision begins to blur I watch as my brother opens his mouth to answer but closes it. "You did it on purpose!? You fucking did this to me on purpose Vincent!"


"I slept with the man and ran around like his fucking little slave for you while you were just trying to get away from me and I had no idea and just selling myself" my breath hitch. "I s-sold my self..." my skin begins to burn up and my voice lowers with regret and distaste for one of the most horrible people I was so lucky to cross path with during my lifetime.

"I never asked that of you. You did it on your own."

Letting out a breath of disbelief I act before I could even think, I lift up my feet and kick him making sure my heels were digging into his skin. Vincent yells in pain as my heels land on his arm with a force as he tries to grab my leg to make me stop.

"Stop!" He yells in pain but I continue using my other feet and pushing my feet toward his face in hopes of giving him a scar or something.

"You disgusting little bastard" the car swerved and I almost fall off my seat as the vehicle comes into a stop and I launch at my brother taking a hold of his hair.

"Atleast I didn't fuck a fucking mobster" he shoots back increasing the rage I was feeling to thousands more and I try to hit his head against the window but he grabs my hair and push me back to the other side of the car where I was once seated. "Or my own father."

His words went through me like a sharp knife and I freeze where I was seating. The oxygen in the air was beginning to feel less and less as I try to breathe to my best ability but the horrible memories and pain that followed his words were just making it more and more difficult for me to even breathe properly.

"Isabella-...I" realizing what just came out of his mouth Vincent leans over to touch me as my chest moves up and down continuously and my vision blurrier as the pain in my chest increases to being almost unbearably.

I could feel a strong pair of arms being wrap about me and I was removed out of the car to being hit by fresh air which was not doing much to help the situation.

Was this a panic attack? The feeling was almost too familiar as my heart thump in my chest loudly and continuously.



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