Where it all began

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Mieczyslaw POV

"Drink it boy!" My father yelled at me angrily. I looked around in horror, my whole family dead in front of me. We had a toast at dinner tonight everyone drank wine together. Before I could I slipped away from from the huge wooden table. trying to get back before father noticed. When I did, I saw my father pulled his golden hilted sword out of my twin brother Kol. Elijah, Nik, Bekah, Finn, and Kol all dead in a blink of an eye.

"Mieczyslaw drink now!" My father said
"Father no, I don't want to die." I said visibly shaking and crying.
"Stop crying! You will be fine, this is how we survive. Now drink." My father shouted while lifting the cup to my lips. I took a small swig of it, I was always careful not to disobey father after seeing the things he did to Nik. It didn't matter he was going to kill me anyways.

I looked into his eyes maybe he wouldn't do it when I was staring at him. Maybe for the first time in his life he'd have mercy. I was wrong, in split second I could feel blood pouring down my chest. It was spewing from my mouth. I never lost eye contact when I asked,
"Father, why?" Soon after everything went black.

End Of Flashback

"Ahhhhhhhh" I wake up screaming my lungs out; I couldn't breathe. Noah comes running, panic written across his face.
"Stiles what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked when I calmed down.
"Yes, sorry it was just a bad dream that's all. I'm okay." I say almost trying to convince myself, yet trying not to worry him too much.

"Are you sure? What was that about?" He kept looking over me. His parental instincts kicking in.
"Yes, I'm sure Noah, but I'd rather not talk about it right now." He gave me a look, one of those frequent 'bullshit' looks. I reassured him that I was fine. I could see some relief, but his face was still tense. He did one last check over then left my room.

Even after a millennium my father is my greatest fear. The way his eyes twitched before he yelled. The way he had no hesitation before hurting his children. He was a disgusting excuse of a father. I'm glad we killed him. I rolled on my side away from the door. Why am I having these dreams now. I haven't had a dream about my father since 979 bc. So why now? You might be wondering why I'm here in Beacon Hills and not with my family. I wanted a fresh start here, about 100 years ago I let the bloodlust control me and so many, ... too many died.

So I decided to start over, I only waited so long because I wanted to stay with my family. This has happened a couple times before. 1112 I rampaged through 4 villages men, women, children beware.
1559 all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put the king back together again.

But I did the world some good he was awful to everyone he met. He tried to make me his servant for Christ sake. Delirious old fool didn't know who he was messing with. I lost control a few other times, but I'm trying to forget and change. Don't get it wrong I love and miss my family especially my dear twin brother Kol. We were always the closest, but I needed this. I needed a new start, get away from old habits.

I found Noah one day and found out that he and his wife couldn't have kids, because she was very sick. So I volunteered to be his, if he kept my secret. I compelled Claudia, his wife to believe she had one. I had a witch change me and I grew older every year just like a regular human, yet I was still an original.

Only 3 people know about me but I will get into that later. I grew up and I met Scott. He's my best friend since preschool. We would always stick be each others side. At the moment I feel as if we are growing apart, since he has to deal with "pack stuff" or whatever. Anyways I'm losing my train of thought, I should probably get some sleep. We have a huge test tomorrow. I don't really know why I'm worried about it. I always get an A. I know everything there is to learn by now.


I woke up the sound of my alarm clock screaming in my ear. I was thinking about throwing the bloody thing out the window. But I thought it was better if I didn't have to clean up that mess. I got out of bed and jumped in the shower. In my opinion it's one of my favorite parts of the day. Being alone and resting before the crazy day I'm inevitably going to have. I love feeling the steaming water drip down my body. Feeling better then ever after. I get out and dry off. I quickly brushed my hair, teeth, got dressed and went down stairs for breakfast.

"Hey stiles, you want something to eat?" Noah asked, his head was down, staring at the eggs he was making. A little less known fact about vampires is if we keep a healthy diet of blood, we function like humans. Today I decided to skip that. Not too hungry, but I needed to have blood before I desiccate. I try to hold out as long as possible before drinking more. I can practically feel my veins starting to feel like sandpaper.

"I think I'm going to skip that today. But there is a blood bag at the back of the fridge, if you could hand me that." I said, Noah stared at me for a second then walked to the fridge, rummaging through it before finally finding the bag.
"I will never get used to that" Noah looked back down, plating the eggs as I ripped open a tiny hole in the bag and started to drink it.

"What is it anyways? I know for a fact it's not human ... right?" Noah asked not to sure if he wanted to know.
"Squirrel I put it in there last night." Before you ask after my latest incident, I didn't want to get back on human blood so quick. So my new diet is animal.

"Better than what I thought it was going to be."
"What did you think it was? Puppy? You think so low of me sheriff." I say with a chuckle. He laughs and I put the rest of the blood in my bag. I get to about the door before I yell a quick,
"I'm going for a pack meeting after school at Scott's, just to let you know."
"Okay be safe." Noah yells back as I grab my keys and go.


When I get to school I am greeted by Scott with his arm around Issac. Playfully joking around with him.
"Hey lover boys" I say as Scott pushes me a bit.
"You remember there's a pack meeting after school today right, you got to be there." We walk up to our lockers, grabbing our things for the day.
"Yeah, Scott I remember. You never have to ask me. I have the memory of a 1000 year old" I hide my smirk in my locker. I quickly close it, when Issac begins to talk.
"Don't old people forget most things?" Issac asked, while I look back and glare at him.

"Not this one." I say as I point to my my head. Me and Issac have grown closer as me and Scott have been drifting apart. Remember when I said 2 other people know about me besides Noah. One of the 2 are Issac, he said he'd never tell anyone and I trust him. Even in the short amount of time we've know each other, he hasn't let me down.
"Okay well I will see later." Scott said walking off with Issac to science class

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Edited- Fixed a lot
See ya

Stiles (Mieczyslaw) Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now