For The Smirkers

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Dear Reader,
Today was.... interesting. So we had a half day due to conferences so all my classes were about 50 minutes instead of a hour and a half. As you may or may not know Oreo's in all my classes which means that when he has to sit at the same table as me (we have assigned seats in all our classes) class can be a little more... interesting, yeah lets say interesting. I mean it's not like I act crazy or anything it's just that I can joke around with him a little more due to our past (once again that is for me to know and you to find out) so anyways during reading class when the teacher assigned us work I looked at him considering my mind needed a break and he was the first thing in front of my face. He ended up looking up but I quickly looked down though I'm pretty sure made eye contact. Well then I had the feeling that he was still looking at me and when I looked up, I knew he was embarrassed (I think). Somehow this turned into a staring contest in which reminded me of the events that took place yesterday making me have the biggest grin. Thankfully, I was able to transform it into a sly smirk but, he still started to question me about it for a good 5 minutes until a smirk of his own came in to play. I'm telling you 10 minutes must of past of us staring at each other before one of my BBF's Captain A (this one will have an explanation soon) gave me look which consisted up of: a cup and a half of get back to work, an ounce of is this a crush brewing and 3 ounces of we need to talk as soon as class is over with a dash of a sarcastic eye brow raise. Either way I think he may have saw this because he looked away first (BTW, I saw her out of the corner of my eye but I was still looking at Oreo) so I win. Yeah, yeah I know what your all thinking did she bombard you with questions or even worse do you loveeee him? Well, sorry to burst your bubble (not really) but the answer to both is absolutely not. By the time she could speak I made very clear to her that I don't like him and he definitely doesn't like me. So you know what this title may or may not be fitting for this entry but you know what? That's your problem, not mine. Other than that I did get A's in all my classes so I'm happy which means that I have nothing left to say. See-Ya Later. (I'm to tiered to deal with you people so there's no question today, okay okay stop nagging me!) So.... um have you gotten into any awkward situations and turned it around? (That's the best i got deal with it.)

For The Truly Anonymous (The Anonymous Chronicles 1) Previously: My Life As A GirlWhere stories live. Discover now