Chapter 1

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Hey everybody!!   First time writer here~~ my friend Avenger and i LOVE The Mortal Instrument series, and we couldn't wait for the fourth book. So one day in class, we got bored, and started to write our own sequel. Hope you all like it!!


P.S: We don't own any part of the Mortal Instruments.


Clary dragged her feet down the dim corridor of the Institute. It had been a long day of training, and her body was on fire. She sighed, and stopped in front of her room. All feelings of fatique fled from her though the moment she looked up.

      She tensed. The door was opened in a small crack. Slowly and soundlessly, she peeked through the crack, seeing nothing but darkness.

She mentally swore. She didn't have anything; nothing to stab with or hit with on her. Not even a stele. Well, since she could fight a little with her bare hands already, she decided it's the time to practice.

Kicking the door open, she charged in her room. There was no one.

The door closed behind her and a hand snaked around the side of her vision. Her heart stopped for a beat, horror filling her body as she built up a scream. The hand covered her mouth and whoever it was pushed her against the wall.

Clary mumbled through the large, masculine hand that covered her mouth and tried breaking away. But the person did not let go. Finally, Clary stopped fighting. The weird thing was, even though she could felt the person really close to her, she couldn't feel any body heat radiating from the hand or around her.

The hand loosened a little, not enough to allow her to escape. She looked up, and saw her own eyes reflected in two black orbs, cold and unearthly.

"Sebastian?" she gasped through his hand.

"Hello, dear sister." Sebastian grinned. "Happy to see me again?"


ok we know it is short, but this is only to get it started!! Please give us feedbacks!! And please excuse us for mistakes!! ( I, personaly can't spell)

oh and what is that everybody say at the end...? vomment??


see ya

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