Chapter 33

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As the cave was collapsing behind him

Kazuki pushed us back with wind but a powerful one too

We looked at him

He went Breaking Point X2 and threw the Kamuy and what seem to be a microchip

He then get on his knees and collapsed right on the spot

Lily was the first to reach Kazuki but the tunnel collapse when she got there

Kazuki was crushed to death

Akari walked to the collapsed tunnel and got on her knees

"T-t-t-this can't be true" She said mumbling as Oka walked over

"Akari-Dono, Kazuki-Dono is dead once again He can't be revived again" Oka said

"What do you mean again" Akari asked

"Kazuki-dono made a technique when he was only 7 and name it Fire Dragon, he said when the user uses the technique it grabs all the user's energy and puts in to one fist the left or the right but I didn't think he'll attempt it" Oka explained

"So now that I think of it Kazuki used the same technique on Tsukuyomi back then and that's why I found him dead on the ground

"I told everyone at my village and they went and look, he was pronounced dead" Oka said

Lily began to cry and slammed her fist on the floor

"If only I were faster he would be alive" She gets back up after a few second

"I'll take my leave" Enju stops her

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Somewhere to be alone, I just lost someone special to me" Lily then runs off

"Kazuki-Dono" as Oka mumbled as she teared up too

As everyone started to tear up everyone took their leave one by one by one till Enju was the last one

"Kazuki *sob* I'm sorry for everything *sob I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! For putting you through hell" she teared up as everyone had gone


"Captain I did it, I killed the Legendary Ninja" The girl wearing a cloak said

"Good matey, now all we have to do is invade the nearest beach and then invade the town" The Cap'n got up from his chair and started giving orders

"Alright everyone, I have good news, our assassin came back from killing the Legendary Ninja, now we can move to Plan B and invade The town of Masaki" as he said his speech everyone cheered on the ship

"Now we'll return to the seven seas after we invade Masaki town, now start stirring this ship" he said

"Aye,aye Captain" the pirates said has the captain leaps down the ship and head the direction to Masaki

Moe Ninja Girls: A Unknown Powerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें