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JUNE 08, 2018

Rose Love Paul

Mortals who say I'm okay are the ones who are not really okay. Every day Jacob cleaves to confidence which shivers my reliance. Will I be okay leaving this flawless man here with nothing inside him? Too...for words steadily Jacob is getting plunged in my body and soul. I was the one who took him for granted, yet why do I feel like I am the one who is damaged. Answer to this is very simple. I love Jacob and Jacob knows it too.

"Life without you is meaningless Rosa," said Jacob smiling breezily at the shimmering stars in the sky.

Jacob and I were sitting on the terrace and my trouble maker went to meet a friend who is staying in a hotel which is two hours drive from Jacob's house. It was around 7:00 pm, we finished our dinner and sat together to watch the stars. The whole morning Kiran and I roamed around Piedmont and in the evening Kiran went to meet a friend leaving me alone with Jacob. So much trust in me and Jacob. But right now I have crossed a certain limit and turning back is not an option. Though I want to turn the clock, it is not possible as I am in love with Jacob. Only nine days more for me to live my life with Jacob and am not willing to waste my time thinking about loyalty, trust and most crucially love.

The stars in the sky remind me of my time in India. Most of the days I've watched stars sitting in our banyan tree. Even during world cup finals, my whole family took their spot in front of the television. Nobody cared about me, in fact, they forgot about my existence, that was a phase I felt worse and I felt like I required someone to take care of me. Teenage hormones I guess! However Kiran was there, was there with me throughout all steps of my creation. Kiran never made me feel like an introvert and I felt irritated because of Kiran's efforts. Starkly 99% days of my life, I wanted to stay alone and I liked that feeling, but on the other hand, 110% of my life was shared with Kiran.


"I'm thinking about Kiran, Jacob!" I answered truthfully.

"You had a lasting relationship with...Kiran."

I smiled listening to Jacob. "Jacob! Do you have Kiran in your life?"

"Like Kiran?"

"I don't care how complicated this gets, but I still want that person! That was my feeling for Kiran. Have you... had something like that on anyone?"

"No Rosa! Everyone is not lucky to have someone like that in their life."

After a long pause, I laid my head on his lap and watched the little stars in the sky. The floor was a little wet from the previous day's rain and the rawness in the air scantily gave me goosebumps.

"What is the reason for you and Kiran to plan this trip all of a sudden?" Asked Jacob.


"Rosa! My friend called me and said, a newly married couple is visiting Piedmont and he asked me whether I could rent my house for their stay...and I agreed because..."


"I don't know...I simply agreed because I want to meet the couple."

"Jacob! Don't lie."

"Am not lying. I was lonely and I need some company. Rosa! After you leave my house, I am planning to sell it and relocate myself in Germany."

"What! Why?" I stood from his lap and saw bags under his eyes. I don't want to ask him, 'Are you okay?' on purpose.

"Jacob! Are you okay?" I asked him placing my cold hand on his warm cheek.

"No! Am not okay!" he answered and a single tear curled from his beautiful eyes. "Human relationships are so complicated, Isn't it? He asked and wiped the tear.

"I Kiran, am sorry Jacob!"

"You are a hard nut to crack, know that?" asked Jacob with a baby smile hiding his hurt.

"I'm a-"

"Rosa," whispered Jacob, "Do you know why I asked you to come to the terrace?"

Ignoring his question, I asked him another question. "Jacob! Can I tell you a story?"


"Don't interrupt till I finish the tale," I said in a whisper and stood on my feet. I walked to the edge of the railing and began the fatal story for Jacob. "Anarkali was a from... Ahh...She was Emperor Akbar's favourite dancing girl and legend has it that he was furious when he learned of her affair with the prince Salim. As punishment, King Akbar ordered her to be enclosed within a wall of his palace, where she was projected dead to the outer world. Anarkali, although cemented behind the wall by the order of Akbar, was released by the emperor on the request of Anarkali's mother. Emperor Akbar had promised Anarkali's mother one wish in her life. Thereby, Anarkali escaped through a secret route to the outskirts of Delhi and then went to Lahore and lived there until her death. A low-born dancing girl who according to popular folklore and film-lore, had a tragic and doomed love affair with Salim. Whether this story is fact or fiction, a modest tomb does stand in Lahore which is believed to have been built by the lovesick prince in 1615. Prince Salim, as a token of his love, ordered a magnificent tomb of stone to be built in the midst of a walled four-square garden surrounded by a gate. The body of the tomb, the prince willed to be wrought in gold. The gravestone in the tomb for Anarkali bears a tragic inscription:

'Could I behold the face of my beloved once more,

I would thank God until the day of resurrection.' which is considered to be his last words before his death.

These are on one side. Later Salim fell in love with another woman Mehu-ru-nissa and married her. He gave her the title 'Light of the world'. She was the only Mughal empress to have coinage struck in her name. A strong, charismatic, and well-educated woman who enjoyed the absolute confidence of her husband and was the most powerful and influential woman at court during a period when the was at the peak of its power and glory. More decisive and proactive than her husband, she is considered by historians to have been the real for more than fifteen years. Emperor Salim was captured by rebels in 1626 while he was on his way to Kashmir. Mehu-ru-nissa intervened to get her husband released. Salim was rescued but died in 1627. Mehu-ru-nissa had a magnificent tomb erected over the grave of her husband. She retired from the world and lived a quiet and lonely life for 16 years after the death of her husband Salim. She died in 1645 and is buried beside Jahangir at Shahdra, Lahore. Though there were many theories surrounding this tale, my favourite was Salim and Anarkali's. Although Mehu-ru-nissa had a strong role after Anarkali's departure, Salim's last words for his beloved Anarkali had the power to replace the love and affection he had for his wife Mehu-ru-nissa. Look at this tale Jacob, he called Mehu-ru-nissa as 'The light of the world'. Mehu-ru-nissa may be considered as the 'light of the world' yet...end of his life, who is his world? Who is the light of Salim? and...Mehu-ru-nissa lived a lonely life for 16 years after the death of Salim, what is the purpose of living a quiet and peaceful life after the death of Salim? Did she miss her husband who had given his final verdict to Anarkali, his one true love or..." I couldn't continue as multiple emotions clogged my throat. "Jacob! I don't know why I feel sad..." I exhaled a long breath relaxing myself.

I turned around and looked at Jacob who was sitting on the floor with his arms around his knees. "Jacob!" I called again to bring his attention to me. He parted his eyes from the sky and turned his eyes on me.

"Who am I, Rosa?"


"Rosa! Am I..."

"Wait! I said this let you know that there are many people in this world who have both Anarkali and Mehu-ru-nissa's in their lives. It is difficult to choose one, but finale...we know where love and loyalty lies. It is not easy to choose..."

"Rosa! Then"

"Don't sutter Jacob. It's...difficult for Salim as well."

Jacob stood and within seconds covered our distance. We both held our hands together and watched the stars dousing ourselves in our own notion. That was a moment we both saw a shooting star. Shooting star!!

Shooting star happened which took me to Kiran again!

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