Cause my heart so much misery.

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"Ryujin Ah, wake up!" Jimin shook sleepyhead Ryujin lightly. "It's time for school." he continued.

Ryujin finally separated her eyes, but they've not opened completely. Her father's face is so blurry, then she responded in her morning voice, "Apppaaa!".

"Get up, Ryujin!" Jimin continued to wake up his sleepyhead daughter. Standing up as he pulled the blanket off her and pulled her up gently.

Ryujin lazily gets up as she spreads her legs straightly together, while rubbing her eyes sleepily, "Apppaaa, I want to sleep more".

Pouting at her father since she doesn't want to leave her hardest goodbye yet beloved bed, give him puppy eyes that he won't be able to resist.

He returned to sit on the edge of the bed and faced the little sleepyhead girl, "Did you sleep well last night?".

The little girl quickly bobbed her head as a response, "I've never slept so well like this before, Appa.". She continued, "I love the scent of Eomma so much", "She smelt so good".

Putting a hand on her small shoulder as he called the little girl, "Ryujin Ah!".

And gripped his daughter's leg gently, he was about to continue. She cut him right away. Scanning around, "Appa, I remembered I slept in Eomma's room last night", "Why do I wake up in my room?", "Where's Eomma?".

Cupping the little chubby yet like dumpling cheeks, staring into her doe eyes, "Rosé Imo isn't your Eomma", "She's your Imo, stop calling her Eomma", "Okay?".

Shaked her tiny head in disapproval between his palms, "Rosè Eomma is my Eomma".

Took a long breath as he thought that this little girl would need much to understand what he's trying to tell her, "Ryujin Ah! How many times do I have to tell you? Your Eomma's name is Chaeyoung, Chaeyoung Park", "Wasn't Rosè".

"She has twin sister, and Rosè Imo is her younger twin sister, so she is your Imo", "Please call her Imo" Jimin explained to Ryujin as he tried to address the false info which the little girl considering.

"Your Eomma is living the heaven now", "Even though she's far from us, she always be here next to us" he added, caressing her chubby cheeks.

No matter how hard Jimin had tried to explain, it was useless. The little girl Ryujin still considers Rosè as her mother, She won't listen to him and carry on with calling Rosè is her mother.

"No!!!No!!!No!!! You lied to me, Appa", "She's my Eomma", "I need Rosè Eomma now" Ryujin yelled as she has been arguing with her father while kicking the blanket repeatedly. She starts to crying loudly.

Closed the eyes and exhaled a very long breath to calm himself down. Pulled the girl into his embrace as he comforts her, "Okay!!!Please stop crying, my little princess!!", "Ryujin is a good girl". Rubbing his daughter's back up and down gently.

"Ryujin has accepted Rosè Noona as her mother", "No matter what you tried to explain her, she'll claim the same thing", "Hyung!" Jungkook, his stepbrother, leaning on the doorframe, standing watching the father comfort his daughter.

Pulled away quickly as the little girl heard her uncle's voice. Jump off the bed and she ran to Jungkook. Picking her up as he tapped her tiny reddish nose, "Good morning, little mochi!". And he also pinched her chubby cheek lightly, crybaby turned into adorable beam now.

"Ko...ko...kie Sam...chon" the little girl sobbed.

Wiped his niece's tears, he carried her and walking towards Jimin, "I've already heard about the thing, from Eomma", "We're all know", "It's been three years, Ryujin doesn't have a mother to call as other, Hyung"

Jungkook settled down on the edge of the bed next to Jimin while he still carries Ryujin, and he turns to face his stepbrother, "Hyung, I know you still can't move on from Chae noona, but you should think about your daughter Ryujin how much she needs a mother to take care of her and to stay by her side".

"Even though Ryujin has our Eomma, or Chae's Eomma, or sometimes Lisa come to visit her or play with her, she feels comfortable and happy with them" Jungkook paused. "But it felt not as the same as she is with her mother" he continued with a sigh.

Jimin is silence now. "It's not like feeling with a mother, the love between mother and child, there is nothing that can be described" Jungkook explained.

Turned to the little girl, Jungkook gave her a lovely bunny smile smile. He talked to his stepbrother with a deep meaning, "If Ryujin feels like a mother with Rosè Noona, please let her be with Rosè Noona".

Jungkook stood up, Ryujin is still carried by him, he added, "Love from father isn't enough for the child, they also need love from mother too". "Hyung, you understand clearly" he said one last and left Jimin alone in a very deep thought.

Jungkook walked out of the room with Ryujin, "Let have a bath and have breakfast next, then Samchon will drive you to school". The uncle and niece talks with each other and laugh while walking downstair, Jimin still sits on the bed in his daughter's bedroom and think about Jungkook has said earlier.

Jeon Jungkook is a son of Park Seojoon and Park Minyoung or Jeon Minyoung, he is a stepbrother of Jimin. They all live under one roof, Jimin moved to live with them after his wife passed away. Since he can't take care of his daughter alone, he needs some help from his stepmother to take care Ryujin whenever he goes to work.

However, this family is very harmonious.

Jimin's mother has divorced with Jimin's father since he was ten, his parents' divorce because they could no longer live together anymore. So this is the best way for them to separate from each other in peace.

Even though they divorced, they are still a friend. And nowadays, Jimin's mother is living far from them with her relatives.

To be continued...

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