Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

3 years later

"Mommy!" Rosangela said running up to me.

At 3 she already was a fast little girl. Eli and I weren't sure if she has the vampire gene. She does have spirit wolf in her though. That child loves to read my thoughts. Good thing I found a way to block her out. She is also young so she doesn't know how to use it well.

"Hey my little Rose." I said and picked her up. She giggled and played with my hair.

"Mommy, me wanna go to the park!" she said. Give her a break she's three.

"Okay baby give mommy just a minute to change clothes and lets eat lunch first." I said and sat her down.

After eating I took her to the park to play. She was swinging and I had to use the restroom. I told her I would be right back because she wouldn't get off the swing. I walked back to the swings, but she wasn't there.

"Rosy? Honey where are you? Rosangela!" I all but screamed the last part. Then I noticed a sheet of paper on the ground it said-

Dear Ember,

If you ever want to see your little Rosangela again, you better do exactly what I say.

First I want you to break up with Eli and leave him.

Second, step down from Luna AND queen vampire.

Third, I want to you to take your little brat and leave town.... For GOOD.

If you don't I'm sure you little girl would be a good little slave seeing her mother use to be one. Hell I might even make her a little slut and earn a few bucks off her.

P.S. Don't tell anyone. Trust me I'll know if you do.

The one and only,


Now tears were streaming down my face. It was soon replaced my hate and anger.

-That tramp! She takes our pup and threatens us! How dare she! I will tear her APART!- my wolf screamed and my vampire side agreed no one and we mean NO ONE messes with our baby and lives.


Walking through the pack house everyone took one look at me an back away instantly seeing that I was pissed. That doesn't even explain how angry I am right now.

My fangs were cutting into my bottom lip and my eyes were completely blood red. Which is what I wanted... Blood and I wanted HER blood. Her death will NOT be a quick one... Oh no now that would be to easy. She is going to suffer and suffer BIG time.

I walked into Eli's office without knocking. He was having an alpha meeting and let me tell you them alphas growled at me. And me, my wolf, and my vampire did not like it one bit. I growled back and bared my fangs. Blood dribbling down my chin from my busted lip. They took one look at me and knew my wolf and vampire and taken over my body.

"Ember? What's wrong?" Eli asked. The only reason I didn't attack was because my wolf knew he was our mate.

I whined and he walked towards me. One of the alphas moved and I turned around and growled again. The alpha froze. They seemed to notice I was half an half. So they didn't test me.

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