Chapter twenty shocker

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Chapter twenty

Embers P.O.V

"The vampires are decaring war'

I stopped in my tracks. I stood there in shock, fear, and hatred.

you hate are kind now? my vampire spoke. What they say is a lie a Vampire has a soul they just dont listen to it. They shut it off.

I don't hate our kind... well not all of them. why haven't you talked to me lately? I asked.

Who cares. Lets just kill them all! my wolf sneered.

Shut up mutt! my vampire screamed. and might I add they are in my head so I have a major headach.

ENOUGH! I screamed at them both. You are both a part of me and my soul so you need to work together. they were quite after that.

After a few minutes Eli landed beside me. Seeing something was wrong he nuzzled my neck and we shifted. Pulling me in his arms I cried. I cried because we are going to war. I cried because this was all because of me. I cried because for once in my life I was completely and utterly scared, not just for me but for everyone I have come to love.

When I calmed down I told Eli everything. I told him that I was scared. I told him that I loved him and I told him that I would fight until my last breath. He didn't like the idea of me being out there but I left no room for arguments.


We went to my pack house and got ready for battle. Eli called his dad so there bringing their pack also.

We had the shifters, my pack and Eli's pack. I like our chances. Not even 5 minutes after I said that vampires and hunters walked through the forest. There had to be at least 200 in all if not more.

They made the first move coming at us head on. I didn't think about killing I just did it. Going through hunter and vampires alike. After an hour of fighting they were all dead. My other half, vampires are mostly extinct and I helped this happen.

My vampire was sad that her kind was gone but didn't blame me. She knew u he'd to do what I had to do. I felt sick and disgusted with myself.

"Ember." Eli called out to me softly. When he was close e saw the tears in my eyes. "Don't cry. Please don't cry."

"Look what I've done. I killed half of my species!" I yelled silent tears streaming down my face.

"It was either you or them." he said and I knew he was right.


(2 weeks later)

"Eli!" I yelled looking for him.

"In here babe." he said form his office.

"I want to finish the maturing process." I said and he looked shocked.

"Are you sure?" he asked and I nodded. His face went from shocked to happy as hell.

Running over to me he kissed me with passion and longing. I haven't really been ready to finish the mating process because I was..... Well frankly scared as hell. Then I was thinking and I realized I love Eli to death ad I wanted to finish the mating process. Then again I am about to go into heat.

(3 weeks later)

"Ember? Are you okay?" Eli asked. I was throwing up and I just nodded.

"I'm fine." I said walking to the sink to wash my mouth.

"Maybe I should get the pack doctor." he said and I turned around and glared at him.

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