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I stared at the water as the waves were flowing. Jake and I have been dating for 3 weeks now. Today we are at the beach. As I stared into the water as the sunlight was shining on the beautiful waves.
"No one can know we are dating. They will never let us see each other again." Jake says sadly
"Why?" I ask quietly
"I have no idea." Jake answers me in a very small voice.
I looked at Cathy she has blue hair that matches the water it's even wavy. It makes her look like the ocean. She swims like a fish. She's new around here. She just came around 2 weeks ago crying, then she had blond hair and brown eyes.
As the sun went down Jake and I watched. The waves were beautiful to bad we can't ever visit the same place twice. We were on our way back as the car broke down. We ended up waking home the rest of the way. As we got back I got tiered. So as soon as we got there I went to sleep.

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