First Time(Here we're in new bright future)Ch1

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This is how it feels to be in Beach City, right now :

It was a pretty nice day in Beach City, well you know the usual.

 People moving with their lives as always. Though nowadays it’s not only humans but thanks to his little buddy Steven, Beach City has now become even more crowded than ever before as Gems can now enjoy the same rights as earthlings to do whatever they want... Within reason of course.

Been quite a while since any devastations came upon Beach City... then again trouble came and gone. There were breaks in between too, judging by Beach City’s and by extension America’s history.

So he was sure break will be over sooner or later.

And he got it when a giant drill-like machine came from the sky above into his view.

“Wow the quest for freedom is also a heavy burden” Jamie said

‘Well what are you waiting for? Move your butt and help them!’

He could guess his internal voice demanded him to help.

He isn’t sure though, what can he do?

‘Oh spare yourself, Mr Universe is like you and even he can be useful’

He still hesitated but he couldn’t denounce that idea.

He remembered the same feeling of panic he had from what happened 2 years ago when he as kidnapped by  Topaz and Aquamarine.
Back then he would've just run away without second thought, maybe he’d be right to do so but it still felt bad that he couldn’t be of any use.

‘So now you’ll do it again? What would your father say if he saw you now? Grow a backbone already, man up!’

That touched the nerve.

No... not this time... After what Steven and Garnet did for him...


 And so he did, he was on his way to  the Beach house.

‘Good Choice, now go let’s have a blast’

At the Beach house

Jamie: Steven are you he-...?

Jamie sees Steven who was in thoughts looking at the gems on the table.

He immediately understood.

 'So Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst are currently unavailable’

Steven then looked at Jamie.

 "Ouh... hi Jamie sorry but it's really not a good time to talk about your next musical act".

Jamie shook his head

Jamie: No no I really just came to help a friend in need. What happened?

Steven looks surprised at him before answering blatantly

Steven: No idea.

Jamie : ...What?

Then all of a sudden, Mr Universe entered the house as well colliding with Jamie.

Greg : Ouch, sorry there.

Greg helped him get back up.

"Steven! I came as fast as I could! Are you ok? Jamie what happened?"

Jamie : Don’t ask me.

Greg looked at the table "oh boy, she really got everybody! Is that her?"
Jamie was puzzled on who they were meaning before he saw an unknown heart-shaped gem.

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