The Booming Gaming Industry

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The impact of COVID-19 on Gaming Industry:
COVID-19 is a deadly viral disease that is caused by coronavirus which falls under coronavidae.
Gaming industry deals with the development of video games.
A video game is an electronic game that involves interconnection with a user-interface to generate visual feedback on display device such as a touchscreen,  virtual reality headset or a monitor.

Why you should invest today in gaming industry.
Despite the global havoc by the noel coronavirus, a surge in Gaming Industry has been witnessed. Most of the industries have been hit badly by the pandemic,  for example Hospitality,  Travel and Education. However, gaming industry which in recent years have shown positive growth worldwide with the last year rising to over $150,  have shown exponential growth during the lockdown.
The following are the major reason why gaming industry  has shown unequalled  blooming during the global lockdown and the utmost reason to invest in it.
• Aiding families to stay together.
Online games such as Animal Crossing,  SKribble to mention a few have helped friends and families to connect while staying in different geographical regions. Relying on this information it is without no doubt that as long as COVID-19 is out of control,  the gaming industry will continue to do well.
• Suppression of solitude.
People are social in nature and therefore,  they keep interrelating to continue with a healthy life. The pandemic has interfered with this most valuable character of human beings through forced measures such as keeping a distance of 1 meter apart and the restriction of movement in the regions which have been hardly affected by the noel virus. These eventually lead to solitude which in some cases may amount to boredom. The latter can lead to health related problems from stress such as hypertension and heart attack.
To reduce the chances of developing such abnormalities,  many people take their time to play games online. In fact,  new trends in gaming industries like House-party and integrated apps have changed the interactivity among people not only in US but also in the whole world. These apps give you the opportunity to video call with up to 7 friends and play interesting games simultaneously.
• The thundering statistics.
Statistics is useful source of information to depend on when observing the business trend. Moreover,  according to statistics,  all the gaming companies have reported that they have seen an upsurge in the number of individual playing games since the global lockdown.
One of the recent research shows that Steam,  categorized among the largest online gaming platforms,  announced that it has broken the record of the most number of concurrent players on the rostrum. This happened after March 15 when 20.3 million players were on the stage synchronously.
Not only interactive games as Fortune,  COD,  Minecraft, et cetera et cetera are seeing this rise in users but simple idle games, for instance Click test,  Cookie Clickers and so on have seen a significant spike.
• An increase in mobile game downloads.
Another recent report by Pokkt stated that there was a surge in the number of mobile game downloads in the month of March 2020,  approximately 4 million downloads occurred  relatively higher compared to March which was 2.9 million.

• New video game subscribers.
Also,  a paramount information to check on,  is the increasing number of video game subscribers. Consequently,  Microsoft-owned Xbox Live reported that it crossed 90 million monthly active users on April,  2020,  apart from the Xbox Game Pass service which recorded 10 million subscribers in the same month.
• COVID-19 and the future projection of gaming industry.
Obviously,  it is the effect of the ongoing lockdown that the US video game sales have hit a decade-high in the year 2020. But there is nothing to fear about the future and the fate of COVID-19. This is so because as people keep on playing games,  an interest is developed which makes the players addicted to the games,  and thereafter,  repeated playing will be observed even when situation is reinstated to normalcy.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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