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Waking up in the morning, I swiped open my smart phone. It has a picture of a boy,my favorite singer. You love him too. I know you love to listen to his music every morn. Glancing at his few pictures I, freshened up my frame. I used the same soap that you gifted me on my birthday. It is really a wonder. It gave a new lustre to my face. My friends and relatives do compliment me for it. Thank you very much . It being my birthday, mother cooked pancakes. You loathe pancakes, but you should try them. Mum cooks it really well. After taking it, I repaired to the roof. The sky was beaming. Birds kept on chirping and  winds dangled the branches. A little boy shrieked playing with his friends. The world was on it's own pace. Nothing changed since the day you left me. Still ,can you hear me?

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