Chapter 1: Odd Jobs for the Beach

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"Yesterday really got to you, didn't it?" Xamira asks.

"Can you blame me? Yesterday was practically the strangest thing that ever happened us. And stuff like that has never happened before, not once," I say. "I was actually hoping for you and Roxas to tell me that it was all just a dream so that I could think I had possibly gone crazy and forget the whole thing."

"I know how you feel. Even I can't help but wonder if yesterday was actually real or not," says my sister.

"I think that's something we can all agree on," we hear a familiar voice say, making us turn around to see Roxas.

"Hey, Roxas. Let me guess, you remember yesterday's events, too, don't you?" I ask.

Roxas nods his head. "Yeah. I also had a weird dream last night. Something about a Keyblade..."

He then notices a stick and picks it up. Then Roxas swings it around the same way he did with his Keyblade yesterday.

"What was that about?" he asks, then tosses the stick.

What Roxas failed to realize is that he accidentally tossed the stick at someone, who is wearing a black coat and has a hood covering their face.

"Are okay?" I ask, trying to be polite. "I'm sorry about our friend. Roxas, you apologize, too."

"Sorry...about that..." Roxas says, looking guilty.

"It's fine. No harm done," the person says with a girl's voice.

The girl then walks away. There was only one thought I had on that girl, weird. I mean, I'm glad she didn't yell at us, but wouldn't people normally throw a fit over something like that? Instead, she just walked away like nothing happened.

Oh, well. I guess it's better than being yelled at. But why do I feel like I know her from somewhere, even though I know I've never once met her? Even her voice sounded familiar.

I soon shake the thoughts from my head as Roxas, Xamira and I meet up with our friends, who were eating ice cream. The ice cream they're eating is called 'Sea-Salt Ice Cream', which is a very popular flavor. It's salty, but also sweet. Upon noticing us, Hayner hands me, my sister and Roxas our own ice cream.

"Thanks," says Roxas.

After peeling off the wrapper, I enjoy the salty-sweet taste in my mouth.

"Do you guys think we'll always be together like this?" Pence asks all of a sudden.

"I sure hope so," says Olette.

"What brought this on all of a sudden?" Xamira asks.

"Oh, well, you know," Pence says. "Just thinking out loud."

"Well, I doubt we can be together forever," Hayner says.

"Why would you say that?" I ask.

How can he say that? I mean, sure we've got 6 days left of summer vacation...But aren't we going to be going to the same school once summer vacation is over? I guess I'm just confused on what makes Hayner think that we won't be together.

"But isn't that what growing up's all about?" Hayner points out.

Oh, so that's what he meant.

Now that I think about it, he does have a point. Some of us might move out of town and end up living different lives once we become adults. But even so, the thought of that makes us all feel sad. Hayner notices this and speaks up.

Kingdom Hearts 2: 2nd sequel to the Legendary 8th Princess of HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang