Chapter 29: Just a Coward

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They may have the support of the Gods who lit up the righteous path for them, but Yibo and Xiao Zhan were humans who just wanted to live. Their greatest comfort lay in this murky swamp that has long since become their home.

"Yibo," Xiao Zhan latched onto the last fiber of their string of fate. "Give me some time." He's being selfish, completely unreasonable, a total asshole; but he couldn't let go.

"That Mission Trip that I told you about," Xiao Zhan didn't need to complete his thought and Yibo didn't need to hear the rest of his sentence. "I'll be gone for three months." But soft words thundered over their heads.

Xiao Zhan didn't look up when Yibo walked out the door. He simply let the tear that was latching on the edge of his eyelid trickled down.

Sorry for being a coward. Thank You for appearing in my life. Thought two men as their tears swept down their lips. While one remained stagnant the other treaded away.


It was ironic but accurately defined who Xiao Zhan was when he ran away from his love life then bravely faced family disputes without an ounce of hesitation. Thus, here he was, standing with a straight back, head bowed, and hands overlapping over his torso as Mrs. Jiang glared him into the ground.

"Hmph, you finally found someone but it has to be Wang Yibo of all people."

"Honey, you shouldn't be too harsh on A-Xian," Mr. Jiang tried to soothe her anger. Once he heard the news, he was more concerned about Xiao Zhan's mental state. After all, they all knew how much Xiao Zhan hated the publicity, and here the media was spouting absolute nonsense!

Mrs. Jiang glared at him. She knew she sounded harsh. It wasn't like everyone didn't know that she doesn't know how to comfort others. For a boy who tried so hard to avoid fame, he goes and falls in love with someone who was born from the sun. Of course, such a mess would happen. Of course, everything would get exposed. Of course, he would end up getting hurt. This stupid idiot!

"Zhuo Cheng," she called knowing that he and Xuan Lu were on the other side of the door, eavesdropping like they were still primary students.

She instructed Zhuo Cheng to work with her assistance in damage control. If Zhuo Cheng wasn't already abusing his power as the son of the Yunmeng's president to protect Xiao Zhan, he now had the order to go ballistic. Mrs. Jiang gave the verdict to do everything in their power to keep the paparazzi from Xiao Zhan (hospital, home, everywhere). She may have taken the backseat as a housewife, but she never shelved her skills of being a leader that she was raised to be. In all-respect, there was an unspoken acknowledgment that the most damage will be achieved if she stepped onto the playing field.

"He should just leave while this mess calms down," spoken towards Zhuo Cheng, but her eyes were on Xiao Zhan. There was no room for argument, not that he was planning to fight back.

"Actually, he's joining me on the trip."

Mrs. Jiang narrowed her eyes at no one in particular. She didn't need to verbalize her recognition that Xiao Zhan was running away again. It was one thing for the family to be overprotective and sheltered the child from maliciousness, it was another for the child to bury under the covers themself. "At least we can keep an eye on him this time," she said without an ounce of Zhuo Cheng's cheekiness, but a touch of tsundere's care: Like mother like son.

Leaving behind his I'm-a-child-in-trouble mode, Xiao Zhan picked up his I'm-an-idioctic-younger-brother gown and had a heart-to-heart with Xuan Lu. He told her that he finally gained some backbone and spoke to Yibo about Mrs. Yu and the Mission trip. They (mainly his pathetic self) have agreed to take some time apart.

"I'm such a coward."

"You are, " Xuan Lu deadpanned. "A-Zhan, as your sister, as someone who watched you grow up, I'm quite biased. I will support you no matter what decisions you make as long as some thoughts have been put into it. As a bystander, you're being unfair to Wang Yibo."

"His love, I don't deserve..."

"Love is not something you deserve but work for. From what I've heard and seen the changes from you, that boy has earned your love."

Like the Goddess that she was, always saying the right words to gently guide you to identify your mistakes.

"And I haven't put in enough effort." Xiao Zhan reflected on their relationship these past few months and Yibo has been leading the way. As for Xiao Zhan, what has he done? Nothing but being a spoiled brat who has been bubble wrapped and carried to places. How cynical of him to believe that he was living an independent life, yet unknowingly has been well supported by everyone.


After getting reprimanded for the mistakes that he willingly chose to participate in, Xiao Zhan finally cleared his mind enough to tread forward without hesitation. It wasn't that he was an adult or that he was the older one in the relationship. Simply that he has lived long enough and it's time for him to grow out of his shell.

Xiao Zhan picked up his phone and pressed on the familiar name that he cared for dearly. When the dial tone ended, but no sound was made from the other line, Xiao Zhan called out.

"Yibo. Thank You and Sorry." Xiao Zhan did not expect Yibo to speak up. He just hoped the younger man was willing to hear him out. "This old man may have lived longer, but clearly hasn't gained enough experience to fight the world heads on like you. I love you, but nowhere near the amount you have given me.

"You don't have to match me..."

"I know, but I want to. And I want to love you that much because I simply do, not because I want to. So will you bear with this old man a little more? Let me sort out my life?"

An exhale, then a pause.

"Zhan-ge. I love you. I love you because I simply do. So, will you bear with this agglomeration a little more as I try to sort out my life?"

Xiao Zhan released a breath of joy at this gremlin's words as Yibo's pleasing sound followed. He always had to have the last words and that's something Xiao Zhan had conceded with a long time ago.

Bravery: It is defined as the ability to face your fear and gaining the courage to fight the battle. What 'bravery' does not define is being the winning hero who achieved greatness at the end of the war. It's more accurate to say that most brave people are fools who tread blindly because there was no other path to take. You either fight to suffer and live or die trying. To be brave means that you are living through hardship.

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