In another life, I would be your girl.

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"I Park Jimin, take Park Chaeyoung to be my wife, I promise to be true to her in good times, in sickness and in health, I will love and honour her all the days of my life" Jimin vowed in front of the relative, family and friend who joined his special's day as the witness.

A priest blessed the couple. Jimin and Chaeyoung joined their hands together.

The priest asked Chaeyoung, "Do you take Park Jimin as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?".

Chaeyoung turned to Jimin with the sweetest smile that she always has for him. The only man who she had decided to spend the rest of her life forever, "Yes, I do".

The priest asked Jimin with the same question as Chaeyoung. Without a doubt, he responded yes immediately. The couple exchanged the rings as their sign of faithful love.

Ongoing, the priest announced very loudly, to let everyone and the whole universe agree with him, "I pleasantly announce, Park Jimin and Park Chaeyoung are official husband and wife today onward".

Everybody in the church echoed their enthusiastic hand clapping as loud as they can, some are in the touchy of joy tears.

"May the groom kiss the bride now?" the priest added.

One year ago

"Aaaaah!!!!!" Chaeyoung screamed in pain, gripping Jimin's hand very tightly.

The feminine doctor spoke to Chaeyoung, to try pushing a baby out. "Aaaaah!!!!!" Chaeyoung screamed out of her lung, her forehead sweated as pouring.

Jimin brusted a soft and loving kiss on Chaeyoung's temple, "You can do it, Darling!".

A nurse who was standing next to the doctor, has suddenly noticed the unusual on the monitor, "Doctor! The mommy's blood pressure is going down".

The doctor glanced at the monitor, and turn her worrying look at Chaeyoung. She gave a respond to the nurse, "We can't stop now", "We're in the progress".

"But doctor, mommy started getting so pale", "Her life is at its own risk whether we continue letting her give birth." the nurse reasoned, she was impatiently shocked. 

"The baby is out soon." the doctor replied the nurse, she can describe the way that Chaeyoung's need. As Chaeyoung could heard their chitchatting, she gained all her strength to push the baby, even this is her last her breath.

Later, the doctor decided to stop and talked to Jimin, "President Park, your wife is in bad condition to give birth". She was kind of choking her words to continue, "If...If we'll go on, I'm afraid of there might be something bad happen".

Jimin looked up at the doctor and the nurse, abrutly got up, "Doctor, what do you mean?".

The doctor and the nurse exchanged their fearing look to each other as they were hesitating to answer Jimin's question, but the nurse nodded as a sign yes to tell him honestly.

"If we were lucky enough, we could rescue the mommy and baby", "But...", "If we weren't, there would be only choice" Jimin reacted as the both startled and shaking in fear.

He said almost yelled at the doctor, "There is only choice?", "Said it now!!! I'll do whatever to rescue my wife and my child".

"President, we don't have much time because because your wife's blood pressure is continuing to decrease significantly, she can't give birth anymore", "Unfortunately, she nearly gives birth while her blood pressure is in a bad condition" the doctor explained to Jimin.

"I'd like to ask President Park and Mrs Park, do you still want to continue giving birth?" the doctor questionsed Jimin and Chaeyoung with her so fear pale face.

The doctor gave a warn to the couple, "There is 0.1% hope". The doctor and nurse are looking at the couple waiting for their response.

"Yes!", "No!", Jimin and Chaeyoung answered at the same time.

"Chae, you can't risk your life", "We can have another baby next time." Jimin coaxed Chaeyoung to change her decision, hoping she would listen to him.

"No Min, we can't do this to the baby",  "She's going to see the world at the moment." Chaeyoung gave her reason to her husband.

"Continue this, please!" Chaeyoung sternly said to the doctor, her face told that she won't change her decision no matter what. The doctor gave a sad look to Jimin, she felt sorry for him.

"One more time! The baby is about to go out." the doctor massaged Chaeyoung's tummy gently and carefully. Chaeyoung followed what the doctor has just told her.

Finally, it was finally. The sound of a baby girl crying is heard all over the room which meant Chaeyoung sucessfully gave birth. She powerlessly threw her exhausted body down on the white sheet, her forehead soaked with sweat. Exhaustion is taking over her powerless body as she is taking breath rapidly while her eyes are staring at the white ceiling.

The nurse carried the baby very carefully, Chaeyoung showed faintly smile at the baby. The nurse was about to hand the baby into Chaeyoung's arm, the nosie sound in the monitor was rang, telling Chaeyoung's heart rate stopped.

Chaeyoung lifted her hand, wanted to touch the baby. Time doesn't allow her to feel the baby for her last breath. Her arms instantly gave up and her sad beautiful eyes were closed at the same time. The whole body of her became lifeless.

Jimin gasped, his eyes started getting red as he has tried to hold back the tears. Yelling his wife's name with his suddenly bursted out in sorrow. Tears shed down without his spent much effort, "CHAEYOUNG!!!!!".

To be continued...

The storyline of Replace has just published finally. This is my another book of Jirose fanfiction which I came up with. It's my second book about Jirose by the way. I wish that the readers who had read my previous jirose book would support it as much.

Anyway, how is it? please let me know I'm curious about your thought.

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