Chapter 24

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Kaylan POV

"You ready?" I asked my mom as I parked at the grave yard, she sighed and nodded her head.

"For the first time in a long time, yes.." She said. We both got out the car, and we walked over to Lynn's grave stone.

I looked down at it sighing a little. Miss my sister everyday.

"Hey Lynn.. I brought mama today. I want you to know I'm doing my best to hold it down, since you not here. I've been taking care of everything. And I'll continue to do so. I miss you..." I said clearing my throat, everytime I come here I get emotional but I hold it together.

It's been two years and I still haven't recovered. I don't think I ever will.

I looked over at my mom and she looked down at Lynn's grave for a minute, before she started speaking.

"Lynn.. I know I haven't been coming to see you, I'm sorry. But I know you know this is hard for me. I blame myself everyday.. Mommy's sorry. Baby I'm so sorry this happened to you... I can't do this, I can't" My mom cried tryna walk away but I pulled her back.

"Mm mm. Mom come on, closure. We talked about this. No more running" I said with tears falling out of my face. She sighed a little wiping her tears, and she stood over Lynn's grave looking down at it.

"I'm sorry Lynn.. I really hope you can forgive me. And that you can finally rest, from this apology." My mom said.

Just like the last time, a flower flew onto Lynn's grave. But it wasn't a rose, this time it was a lily and I scrunched my eyebrows.

"A lily.." My mom said.

Me and Lynn used to get my mom lillies every Mother's Day, this was more of a sign.. At least for me.

"Lynn.." I mumbled.

I can tell my mom was a little spooked, but I wasn't. Lynn has been giving me signs since day one, I was used to it by now.

"Lynn if this is you, just give me a sign please." I said.

"Just one sign.." I mumbled. I held my mom's hand and said "You ready to go?"

"Yeah... I love you Lynn. Continue to Rest In Peace.." She said using her free hand to blow a kiss.


Roddy POV

"Thank you, see you later" Joey, one of my customer's said as I dropped some weed off at his house.

"No problem, thanks for actually coming out on time. Unlike Keith" I said shaking my head.

Joey laughed and said "You know how that nigga is"

"Shit is annoying as fuck. But I'll see you later nigga" I said.

"Aight" Joey said walking back in his house as I drove off.

Once I was at a red light, I quickly pulled out my phone leaving Kaylan a text.

Me: Baby you on your way back?


Kaylan POV

I pulled up to Roddy's house after dropping my mom off and having some food with her, and I parked the car seeing he left me a text.

Baby: Baby you on your way back?

Me: Just got back right now, finna shower then hook something up for you

Baby: Aight, I'm omw home give me like 10 minutes

Me: Okay

I put my phone in my purse and got out the car and walked to the front door, unlocking it and seeing Roddy's cousin Derrick sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Oh wassup Kaylan" He said.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked being polite.

"I'm good, how you doing?" He asked.

"I'm good, I'm good." I said.

"You look nice" He said.

"Thank you" I said.

"Do you know when Roddy getting home?" Derrick asked.

"He should be home in the next 5-10 minutes" I said walking up the stairs.

"Aight thank you" Derrick said.

"No problem" I said back.


Once I got to the bedroom, I locked it up and went into the bathroom, closing and locking it as well. I just wanna be careful since there's another man in the house for now, besides Roddy.


Roddy POV

I pulled up to the crib, turning the car off and walking to the front door.

Once I unlocked it, I looked and seen Derrick was not on the couch.

"Derrick" I said, nothing.

I sighed a little shutting the door, and I walked up the stairs and seen Derrick standing by my bedroom door, looking like he was tryna get in and I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Derrick what you doing?" I asked and he damn near jumped when he seen me.

"Oh shit, you just got back? I uh, thought you were here the whole time" Derrick said.

"Derrick you seen me when I first left hours ago." I said.

"Yeah but I took a nap, and I heard somebody come in the house, I just ignored it and stayed sleep.. It must've been Kaylan.. I thought it was you." He said.

"Why you tryna get in? You supposed to knock." I said.

"I did, I thought it was you ignoring it" Derrick said.

"Well what do you want?" I asked.

"I just.. I wanted to see if you wanted to play the game wit me. I'm bored" Derrick said.

"Yeah.. We can play, just wait downstairs. Lemme check on my girl" I said. I don't know why, but I felt some weird ass vibes but a nigga could be trippin.

"Alright" He said quickly going down the stairs.

I noticed Kaylan locked the bedroom door, that's my girl. I unlocked it with my key and walked inside seeing she was in the bathroom clearly, and that door was locked too.

I shut the bedroom door and locked it behind me and took off my jacket and my chains, sighing a little. A nigga tired.

I then took off my shirt and I seen the bathroom door open and Kaylan came out with a towel wrapped around her and she jumped when she saw me.

"Ooh baby you scared me" She said, and I chuckled.

"I'm sorry mami. I just got back" I said.

"I see, I'm gone start dinner after I'm done putting my clothes on. You eat?" She asked.

"Nah, not yet" I said.

"I'll hook something up." She said.

"Thank you" I said walking over to her giving her a kiss. I unwrapped the towel from around her body and she smiled rolling her eyes.

"Here you go" She said.

"I gotta see that body real quick.." I said biting my lip and she blushed.

"Alright put some clothes on before I end up fucking you" I said and we both laughed.

"That's what I'm tryna do" She said grabbing her clothes from the dresser and she walked back in the bathroom.

"I'll be downstairs playing the game with Derrick baby" I said.

"Aight, I'll be down in a bit to make the food." She said.

"You pick up Cordell tomorrow right?" I asked her.

"Yep" She said.

"Don't forget I'm coming with you, to talk to your baby daddy." I said. I ain't forgot about that picture he sent Kaylan talking bout he miss eating her out. I'm putting that nigga in check tomorrow.

"I know." Kaylan said. I nodded my head and walked out the room.



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