why did this happen

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Aurora's pov

He then leaned in but he was interuppted by a phone call from this girl named Cailey. His phone was facing up when she called so thats how I know.

he answered it and said "hey" in a sexy tone and he left the room

it broke my heart...

so i got my things and he came into the room and asked what i was doing.

me: im leaving

Blake: wait why

me: because i dont want to be hurt again.

thats the last word i said to him and then i ran home.

Ella's pov

i thought he really liked me how could this happen again

i was crying soo much i had mascara almost down my neck because of crying for 4 hours

Aurora's pov

i started crying when i got home and I needed to tell Ella

i always went to her for advice

because she always helps me through it.

Ella's pov

i needed to tell Aurora what was going on.

i could lways count on her, she's the best!

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