Chapter 1: Bestest of Friends

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You nod, grabbing his hand, face flushing a slight shade of red. He pulls you up, but you wobble a bit, cringing in pain. Ms.Kawakami notices. "Hey Kurusu, could you take L/N, to the nurses office. That was a nasty fall she had." He nods, pulling your arm over his shoulder, helping you to walk.

Both of you make it out to the hallway. "I c-can walk on my own.." he stares at your wobbly self and raises an eyebrow. "I really doubt that." You look at him frowning, pleading to let you walk on your own. He sighs, slipping your arm out from over his shoulder letting you walk on your own. Taking your first step, a pain stricken shriek escapes from your throat.

"Yeah, no. You're not walking." He squats down on a single knee. "Get on my back, I'll carry you." You shake your head. "N-no— I hardly know you." He sighs. "You can't even walk a step on your own."  You shake your head again. "N-noo" you cry out embarrassed.

"I-I'll just..—" you flop backwards onto your back, and start sliding down the hallway sliding your back across the floor pushing yourself with your knees, cringing in pain every bend of your knees.

He sighs, leaning over you. "Please, just let me help you." You turn away embarrassed. "F-fine.."  he sighs in relief. "Thank you." He lifts you up carefully by your arm, then squatting down in front of you, back turned, arms behind him, and hands cupped ready to grab onto you, to keep you from slipping.

You take a deep breath and climb up onto his back. Quickly he cups his hands under your knees, and lifts you up. "Hey, You're actually pretty light." He smiles as he walks down the hallway.

"T-thanks, I guess..?" You shift a little trying to get comfortable. Eventually you both arrive at the nurse, he turns to the side, ushering you to turn the door handle.

You nod, opening the door, you both then enter. "Ah. Wait." He carefully slides you off of his back and onto an unoccupied bed.

You both hear loud, running footsteps from the hallway. "Y/N! Are you okay!—" You turn towards her visually embarrassed.

"Should I go..?" She asks pointing out her thumb towards the door. "N-no it's fine Amber, come in." She flops down onto the bed next to you. "What happened."

"I tripped over a girls foot, it looked like she did it on purpose." He looks behind looking over at you. "Who  did?" You both look at him. "Um.. I don't want to worry to much about it— I don't rather avoid any drama." You uncomfortably scratch your head.

He sighs. "Okay, just If you would like to ever talk about it I'll be here." You blush and nod. "T-Thank you I'll keep that in mind...—" you pause trying to remember his name.

"Ah!—" you slam your hand down on your thigh "Kurusu!...." you grip your thigh, cringing in slight pain. Amber looks at you. "You good?" You nod gritting your teeth.

"You can call me Akira, if you wish." He smiles at you.  "—also, here." he hands you an ice pack from the freezer. You smile and put it on your hurt knees, occasionally on the spot you hit on your upper thigh.

He looks down at your knee, kneeling down in front of you softly touching around a burn on your knee from skidding across the floor. You flinch accidentally kneeing his face.

Your eyes widen, quickly you slide off the bed and sit in front of him. "Oh, A-akira.. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too—" you see his nose bleeding. You panic starting touch all over his face hand shaking.

"Oh! Oh! Is your nose broken!?— I'm so so very sorry.." you shakily touch around on the top of his nose. "I-I'm sorry.. my knees are ticklish. I didn't mean to—" your eyes water. "I—I'm.. so—" he covers your mouth and chuckles.

"Hey, Hey. I'm fine. It's not broken—" he wiggles, and cringes up his nose. "See, I'm fine." He pulls out a tissue and dabs at your tears. "You can relax."

Face tinting red you look away, when you do, you notice Amber turned away, scratching the back of her neck flustered by the two of you. He stands up grabbing your hand pulling you up, then sliding his hand out away from yours.

"T-th—" choking on your words you bow to avoid eye contact. "T-THANK YOU!" Embarrassed he rubs the back of his neck. "U-uh.. you're welcome—"

"Y/N L/N!—" you clear your scratchy throat. "B-but you can call me Y/N.." he smiles. "I'll call you Y/N then." You nod face flushed a deep shade of red.

"Hey Y/N, would it be alright with you if I bandaged your knee for you, I don't think the nurse will be here." You nod. "Y-yeah that would be alright."

He grabs out a kit, grabbing wrapping bandage, healing ointment, and a pair of gloves. Opening the ointment bottle he squeezes some onto his index, and middle finger. "This might hurt a little, try not to kick me in the face this time."

"You blush and nod." He kneels back down, putting  weight on the non injured part of your leg, so you don't kick him. He gently rubs the ointment onto your knee.

"Almost done, I just need to wrap it now." He pulls off the gloves and wraps and clips the wrap once it's around your knee. "Can you move your leg around a little." I want to make sure I didn't wrap it to tight."

You nod moving your knee. "Yeah, that's great. Thank you.." he smiles, getting up. "Well I'm going to head nice meeting you Y/N and Y/N's friend, I'll see you both later." He waves, then leaving out the door back to class.

You sigh and look at Amber. She punches you in the shoulder. "What was all of that! That was some romance novel shit right there Y/N!" She punches at your shoulder three times. "It was cute! But I felt so uncomfortable!  I felt like a third wheel!"

You laugh embarrassed. "I don't know what that was but my face feels so warm!" You cover your cheeks. We should probably head to class too. "Are you fine to walk?" You smile then nod. "Yeah."

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