Chapter Sixteen

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(POV: Patton)

I sat in my room, tightly hugging one of my many stuffed animals as I stared at the ceiling. It would go blurry every now and then because of the tears pooling up in my eyes.

Virgil and Roman have been gone for too long. Thomas is practically useless without the two of them. Logan has been movativing him to keep up his looks and make videos to earn money while I've been trying to keep his spirits boosted. It was working, but for how long? The videos have dropped in creative energy so much and Thomas has been getting more and more reckless by the day.

Thomas can't live like this any longer. I'm his imaginary father figure, I need to help him out!

I sat up in bed, putting my stuffed animal down. Once on my feet, I marched over to myself in the mirror. My cardigan was disheveled and my eyes were slowly gaining deep bags under them.

Readjusting my cardigan and wiping my eyes, I looked at myself again. "I am Patton Sanders! I know who I am! More importantly, I know who Thomas is, and right now, Thomas isn't Thomas. As his fatherly figure, I need to do my part and get him back on track!" I looked at my door, seeing my reflection in the handle. "And I know how to do it!"

I bounced down the stairs and plopped myself down on the couch beside Logan. "Okay, hear me out. Roman and Virgil haven't come back yet, so I think we should head out and find them. They could be in trouble! We have to go find them!"

Logan raised his eyebrows as he looked up at me from his book. He adjusted his glasses and went back to reading.

"What? You aren't gonna say anything?"

Logan set down his book and sighed. "Patton, your plan is risky and dangerous. If you were to be caught by one of the others, that would leave me to solve all of this on my own. I will be more careful so I won't be caught. I say we wait for Virgil and Roman. They're most likely on their way back."

I grumbled as the logical trait went back to reading once more. If only there was some way to get him to come with me. I didn't stand a chance on my own. Me against the Dark Sides? Nuh uh. Not gonna happen.

"Fine," I huffed. "I guess I'll just leave without you and go and save them myself."

"That is out of the question. You are going to stay here where it is safe," Logan countered, standing up so he was towering over me.

I shook my head and made my already packed back materialize in my hands. I grinned from ear to ear as I sunk out into the front of the house. I could hear Logan shouting at me to come back, but I knew he'd follow after me.

I turned around and patiently waited for my friend to arrive. In a matter of seconds, he burst out the door panting, with a small bag over his shoulder.

"Wait... I'm coming with you," he said, gasping for air. "You are quite fast. I was ill prepared for this."

I cheered, and swung my arm around his shoulders. "Alrighty! Looks like we're off on an adventure!"


(POV: Virgil)

My eyes still felt heavy, but I found the strength to push them open anyway. Everything was all blurry for a second while I sat up.

Once I blinked my eyes a few times and rubbed Janus' magic out of them, was I able to see. That got me thinking, Janus knocked me out! Why would he do that? I thought we were friends, I thought everything was okay?! Was I wrong?! Obviously so.

I took a deep breath in and out. I can deal with Janus later. On my feet now, I went over to the door. With my hand on the knob, I twisted it.

At first I wasn't sure how to open it. There wasn't much in my old room that could help me with that. Plus, I don't know how to pick a lock.

That's when I remembered; my powers! I took a few steps back, hoping I wouldn't hurt anyone on the other side. My hand extended out, a small purple ball formed. When I tried to make it bigger and more powerful, my vision began to sway. I fell to my knees, confused. Where were my powers?

I began to wonder if Janus took them when he knocked me out. That could be the only solution, right? Maybe there is some way I can get them to come back.

So, I shook my hands out, bouncing on my toes. Anything I could do to get my energy up to maybe get enough magic to break the door. The blood in my veins began to spark, making my arm twitch a little bit. It started to scare me, but I did my best to hold it in the fear.

The ball began to grow and grow as did the anxiety. It all started to overwhelm and become me as my breathing quickened, my heart pounded and hands shook.

I screamed out, planning on letting the ball of power die. But then, the magic took off out of my hand and blasted around the room like a pinball. I ducked in cover, poking my head up to see what was happening.

The ball zoomed by my face and hit the door, causing it to fall out of the frame. I stood up, amazed at what I had just seen. But I looked around, no one was there. So, I ran out of the room, my mind set on one thing, the creativity twins.

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