The ball

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"Don't you know I'm walkin' away?
Now I'm in my own space
Babe you know I ain't waitin' for you
And if you don't want me to stay
Only one thing to say
Babe you know I ain't waitin' for you"

Bella's P.O.V

*Two Months Later*

It's been two months since Xavier was born and we have finally got back to normal, well as normal as things can be with a two-month-old baby in the house.

Buddy is the best dog ever; he absolutely loves Xavier and never leaves him alone not even when I put him down for naps.

Me and Ryder have got to go to a ball today, so my brother is coming here to look after Xavier and Buddy. Isaac recently moved about half hour away from us since he wanted a change and to be closer to me and his nephew.

(I forgot her brother's name, so he's now called Isaac)

I'm nervous about leaving Xavier at home whilst me and Ryder go out. Normally we are always with him or at least near him so it's going to be hard and weird leaving him. But this event is really important to Ryder and his businesses, so I'll just have to deal with it for a bit.

Right now, me and the girls are in mine and Ryder's room getting ready whilst the boys are at the house we originally lived in.

"So what dress have you decided to wear?" Izzy asked whilst curling her long blonde hair

"I've picked this black dress with my makeup and nails dark and the top of my hair braided and twisted into a flower with a few bits down."

My dress was black with a slit down my left leg, a deep love heart neckline and a gold belt round the middle

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My dress was black with a slit down my left leg, a deep love heart neckline and a gold belt round the middle. My jewellery is light with only a few gold rings and the necklace Ryder gave me, my nails are painted black and some had a few thin white lines. I had on dark shimmery eyeshadow, thin eyeliner, mascara, neatly done eyebrows and dark red lipstick.

"Woah Ryder is going to have a heart attack" Ava Laughed whilst touching up her makeup.

"Haha funny" I rolled my eyes at her whilst putting in some gold earrings.

"Anyway lets go the boys are probably waiting" Izzy said walking out grabbing her purse

We walk downstairs to see the boys standing there in their suits. When I looked over at Ryder I was shocked at how hot he looked, you know when you first go on a date with someone and you get those butterflies that won't leave and you stuttered because you don't know what to say and if you say something wrong you think they're going to leave and never ask you out again. Well let's just say those butterflies came flying back and I'm absolutely sh1tting myself.

"Woah" I heard him whispered making me blush

When I got to the bottom of the stairs he held out his hand for me, which I took, and pulled me into a very passionate kiss.

"Hey love birds brake it up my nephew doesn't need to see this" I heard Isaac say

"Aww how's my little prince" I cooed taking Xavier out of my brothers arms.

He giggled and started pulling my hair making Ryder laugh.

"Hey bud how ya doing?" Ryder asked kissing him on his forehead

"Well we need to get going so wrap up the goodbyes" Max said grabbing Ava's hand and walking out with the others following

"Mummy and Daddy have to go now baby we will see you when you wake up tomorrow" I said giving him a kiss and patting Buddy's head

"Bye bud" Ryder said doing the same as me before passing him back to my brother and walking me out the house before I change my mind.

*6 hours later*

YES 6 HOURS LATER. 6 fuck1ng hours. I had to walk around in heels for 6 hours. But it was fun and I was glad to get out for a bit, but I miss my baby and can't wait to spend tomorrow with him.


Sorry the chapters are getting shorter it's just I'm running out of things to write so I'm making the chapters are a little short but still as long as I can.

-Ella x

24th August 2020

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