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things were never awkward between them


she would sing out his name, making sure he didn't wander off too far


andy's voice would always sound slightly annoyed, but it was just a pretend annoyed

"look at the illustrations"

she pointed her finger to clifford, buying fruit

"i wish i can draw like that"

a breath of sadness over came her

it hurt andy seeing his friend like that, so he said out of the blue

"i can draw you a picture?"

he suggested, and a smile grew on her face

"of course!"

he picked up a pencil, and a piece of paper and started drawing

mia watched him, amazed

when he is done, his clifford looks more like a mix between a shruken chihuahua and a pig

although she doesn't know that they both have non-existent art skills yet, but she was so happy

"this is so nice! thank you so much, andy!"

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