-Forests Again!?-

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(Freakin love reading your guys Comments 😂)

~Chapter 15~

~Erens POV (For all people who don't know what that is it means Point Of View~

I was so flustered last night levi was totally about to. . . *Blushes* I-I can't believe that was going to happen!

I woke up to a little bit of light being shown threw the nice wooden windows. But really I smelled this very sweet smell, almost irresistible! I sat up wiping my eyes blinking a few times and finally.

"Oi Red, your plates right next to you on the night stand"

I turned and saw the one and only Levi, eating something small and yellow, some odd smell like sweet milk.

"Wolfy? What is that. . ."
I said in a puzzled way.

"Why don't you try it for yourself" he smirked a little extending his hand towards my mouth.

I opened my mouth taking a little nibble off of it, my taste buds like Exploded from this new instant Flavor!

I took it from his hand (Nicely not yanking it from his hand) and I popped the little thing in my mouth.

"What Is It Levi!?! I mean. . . Please tell me?"
I said looking deep in his eyes as we both sat there comfy like on the bed.

"It's called a Macaroon, it's made with Coconuts. It it wired that you eating macaroons totally turned me on" he said smirking, what was that big bad wolf thinking. . .

I turned my head the other way blushing a little bit.

"Hey Red, want another"
I heard him say that and I turned my head around so fast, saying OMG YES!!!!

But. . . Where was the macaroon, hanging out of his mouth.

I played his little game smirking a little and taking in the sweet smell I leaned in biting the other end. Nibbling on till our lips touched, but suddenly I was on my back and levi was on top of me.

"Levi what's wrong with you, your so lovey dovey Horny!" I said with a blushed face and sudden confusion.

I did not know why he wanted to touch me so bad! But it was scaring me, he was being s-so Rough! This is not what Imagined my first time to be like. . .

I saw a little red flash in his eyes and I started to open my mouth to scream but he put his hand over my mouth.


His other hand made his way to my pants and. . .

Thank the lord it was Mikasa banging both her hands on the door, when she came in Levi turned around slowly.

He looked at me with a pisses expression and dragged one of his claws down my chest.

Oh lord what's happening to me my mouth just wants to. . .


I blushed and Levi smirked at me as I covered my mouth and Armin and Mikasa started at Levi like they wanted to skin him alive.

Mikasa yelled and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me down stairs and into the woods. (she almost burned a hole in my pants and shirt!!!)

She nagged me while she mentioned something about "Mating Season"

"W-wait MATING SEASON!?!?!"

~Levi's POV~

"What do you want Blondie Bitch!?"
I said in a pissed expression. I don't mind being mean to these guys but I think I went a little to far with Eren.

But I just can't help my self we've never done "It" and I just want to fuck against the nearest OBJECT! Mostly the wall, ahhhh the wall. . .

Wait nows not the time, I hope those Macaroons helped raised his Luck level with getting to be alone with him. I just desperately want him!

"I'm sorry to do this to you but we need to put you back in the woods till tomorrow. You will never get Eren he's to good for some beast like you!"

He pointed a dart gun at me and the last thing I remember was my self whimper.


(That's right Fangirlies I'm working on "You Know What" currently, my friend kept saying PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE IT JUICY!!!!" So you can thank her for that. . . Join me in the next chapter "Mating Season" MUAHAHAHHAHAHAH)

Kuro Out Peace! ✌️🐱

Red All Over (Levi x Eren)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن