Chapter 1:A New Year

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Mabel's Diary:
31st of December:

Finally! Its the last day of the year! And I don't regret anything about it! So excited....actually the only thing I regret is not telling Dipper about my feelings...I love him,but we are twins,there is no way we could be together,he is so cute,and....and....I can't,well,end of the year,regrets?,maybe,but as always,together with my lovely brother.

"Whatcha writing Mabel?" Dipper asked Mabel as she jumped from his chair hiding the diary on his back ",nothing,just a simple drawing and writing,as usual" Mabel's face suddenly turned red "Mabel,what are you hiding from me?" Dipper said while trying to look at the book on Mabel's back "Nothing! Now please don't do that again" Mabel's face was red as a tomato when Dipper in an attempt to grab the diary fell onto the floor,falling on Mabel "" Mabel's face was even more red;while Dipper was standing up,he noticed that the diary had been throwed to the other side of the room,after noticing it,he ran to the diary and started reading "Mabel,wha-what is this!?" Dipper yelled while reading the last entry of the diary "Dipper,I'm sorry,I-I didn't wanted you to know this but-" Mabel said embarrassed "Is this what you think about me!?" Dipper was confused,he couldn't believe what was happening " Yeah,Dipper,I love you I...but...but we can't be together,we are twins,if we could only be together i-" Dipper suddenly interrupted "Why not?" Dipper looked at Mabel while a tear ran through his face "Dipper,are you...crying?" Dipper bursted into tears "Mabel,I love you,and I want to be with you,its just sudden,because...because..." Mabel saw how Dipper tried to stop crying "I'm going to California with my aunts,and you are going to New York with our cousins,and maybe,this will be the last time we are going to be with each other...I'm moving tomorrow..." In that moment Mabel and Dipper stared one to the other,in hopes that will calm down the situation "Dipper,come here for a second" Mabel gently asked to Dipper,an in the moment Dipper was near Mabel,she kissed him, "Dipper,sorry if I didn't telled you this before,I was scared" Mabel started crying short after they kissed "Mabel,stop crying,I have a solution,let's make a promise,in 10 years,let's meet up in this exact point,so we could be together forever,promise?" Mabel wiped his tears off and stared at Dipper a second,she saw the look of his brother,and automatically recognized it,he was happy,but confused at the time,with a simple nod,they promised,that in that same spot,in ten wears,they would meet,and be together,forever.

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