One Kiss Is All It Takes

Depuis le début

What the fuck ...?
Is it... Is it him...? The guy... The same guy who I was crushing on for ages ...What is happening here..
Am I dreaming....What the hell....
I looked into his hazel eyes. He is just the same like how he was when I saw him 6 years ago... I just can't believe it.. Is this real. Or am I about to wake up from my dream.
I felt his hands cupping my face.
Does he even remember me? Does he even remember what happened the day we met? My god... I'm speechless ... I don't know how to react... Uhh why is this happening to me... Now? Why Me....??I feel like the world is spinning.
He looked into my eye. Then his gaze fell on my lips. He slowly leaned towards me. I closed my eyes so thight. When I taught he would kiss, but I didn't feel anything so I opened my eyes. He was smiling at me. I blinked at him.
And then it happened. He kissed me.
He Is Kissing Me....
Oh my god. I have been dreaming about this since the day I met.
His lips are so soft. Suddenly I'm kissing him back. Of course I would. He pulled me closer and deepens the kiss. I pulled him by his coat.
Everybody was cheering us.
I heard many whoossss.. go get a room and so cute...
I couldn't breath so I pulled back. He let me go. He was smiling at me like a kid who got his favourite candy. I was breathing heavily. So was he. But still he was smiling so bad that even I smiled back at him. And then he pulled me towards him and hugged me so hard and kissed my forehead. Whooo I did not expect that. And what he said next was not expected either " I'm so happy to get married to you."
Hmmm.. That makes two of us. Looks like I'm in love.
Wait. Did I just say that? Maybe I don't know. But I want to know few things. Things like.
Is he saying this because he remembers me or he said this because finally he is getting married. He pulled away and before we could walk away, " Take care of my favourite kid son." Father Elijah said.
Raphael smiled at him and said "I will with my whole heart."
Again didn't except that. He smiled at me and gestured me to walk with him. All our guests were cheering us. We both exit the place hand in hand.

There is still time for the reception. Raphael and I were sitting in a room. I was still shocked by what happened and he was looking at me like he wanted as something. Or am I imagining it? Whatever. All that I remember is the kiss.
The best kiss of my life... Its not that I have kissed a lot of people before. Its just my ex. But we don't do that often because we were never serious and he even know about me have a crush on Raphael. Luckily he was okay with it.
As I was thinking about so many things for god know how many hours I heard a voice.
I turned to see Raphael looking at me. " I'm sorry what?" I said. He laughed but suddenly he looked serious. "Are you not happy with this marriage?"
Am I ? Or am I not? I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think. I don't know how to respond to that question. But one thing  I know is that I'm so happy to see him again.
" Why would you ask that?" I asked him fanning my self because I was sweating so bad. He stood you from his chair and walked to the switch board and oned the fan. I smiled at him.
" You looked so ... I don't know how to say." He said running his fingers in his hair.
" Relax I'm just feeling hot that's it." I said. Honestly I don't know why I said that. But it made him smile. He came to me and stood in front of me and said "You look so gorgeous. Just like the girl in my dreams." Really? Girl in his dreams?
He took my hands into his. He didn't stop smiling at all. " I never thought..." But when he was about to say something, somebody knocked at the door.
At the look of his face it was clear that he didn't like the intruption. He put my hands down and opened the door. I stood up to see who it was. A girl in a elegant dress walked past him , practically pushing him came to me and hugged me and said "I'm so happy to get you as my sister in law. My father told so many things about you." She said. I didn't wanna be rude so I hugged her back and said " Hope all good things." She pulled back and said " Of course good things. Oh how rude of me. I'm Abigail. The ..." I intrupted her
" The bridesmaid." I said. She smiled at me and said " My god I already like her. And I am his sister as well."
As soon as she said I immediately hugged her. I don't even know why I did that. " I'm so sorry I didn't know." I said as I pulled back. She smiled at me and said. " Oh don't be sorry of course you didn't know. You didn't even know Raf. How will  I  expect you to know me."
Only if she knew that I was crushing on her brother for ages.
I smiled at her and said " You look beautiful in this dress. I'll make sure I toss those flowers straight to you." I said winking at her.
Her smile widened. She turned to Raphael who was standing next to her and  said "Now she is my favourite." She clapped and looked so excited. I chuckled at her.
" Well if Isabella hears that she is gonna kill you." He said.
Now who is Isabella. I looked confused at both of them. Before either of them could answer, a voice came from the door.
"And why would I kill her?" She said.
We looked at the woman standing next to the door arms crossed. Suddenly Abigail looked lil scared. She stood their silently. The woman came towards me and hugged me and which I got used to now because all that is happening today is hugging and greeting. I hugged her back. She pulled back and said.
" I'm Isabella the first daughter in law." Something in her voice gave me chills. Looks like she is marking her territory. I looked at Raphael. He stood next to me and pulled me towards him and put his arms around my shoulder and said
" Be nice to my wife Isa."
My wife... It's so nice to hear that. Especially from him. I felt something new. Like pride. I don't know what exactly it is. But it's nice.
I looked at Isabella. She was smiling at us. "You both look so cute together." She said.
Okay not bad. But I still feel a bit awkward. Raphael was blushing.
"Awe... Look who is blushing." Abigail said. I just smiled.

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