The Beach

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I awoke to the sound of rushing waves rolling against the sandy bank and the seagulls chirping overhead. The smell of the sea salt stung my nose a little, but it was a smell I had come to love living on the California beach. I yawn and stretch as I roll out of bed and walk out to the balcony. My balcony offered a beautiful view; I could see everything from up here. You could see kids playing volleyball on the beach, the fishermen making the catch of the day, and several creatures scurrying about in the sand. The morning sun painted the scene a beautiful orangish-yellow color. Sometimes I felt like Batman watching over Gotham up here, so mysterious and guardian-like.

I head downstairs to hunt for food, eager to start my summer vacation. "Morning honey," greeted my mom.  "I made some eggs, toast and bacon, if you want any. It's on the table." My quest for food was short-lived, but it was successful. I grab some of the food and sit down. "Thanks Mom. What time are you going into work today?" I ask. "I actually need to be heading down there now. I'm going to be late if I don't leave soon." I glance at the clock which reads 8:00. I rush my mom out the door as I draped her jacket around her. "Hurry Mom, if you're late, hell might freeze over. You know those idiots down there are useless without your help." "Hey there Missy, watch your mouth, that was one swear in that sentence. I expect there to be a dollar in the swear jar when I get home." She says playfully. "Right, because you being Ms. Bigwig over at the office who rolls in the big bucks, you still need to beat your poor, broke child for very last cent she has. You, mother, are the inspiration behind Disney's evil stepmothers." "Shut up child, before I drown you myself. " she says as she ruffles my hair.  "Speaking of, are you going down to the beach today?" I give her my 'are you really asking me that' face. "I do everyday, Mom; the beach is my life." "Alright well, please be safe out there Amber. There's been several accidents involving sharks around here lately." She warns me. "I haven't died yet mother, and I doubt I will today." "Okay, I gotta go. I love you baby," she says as she kisses my forehead. "Love you too Mom," I say as she shuts the door.

I let out a deep sigh. I know she doesn't  like the thought of me swimming and surfing and just generally being out of the house because she wants me safe, but I have adventure in my blood; I want to go out and do things and see things and have an adventure. I hate being in the house, especially when there's a tropical paradise right outside waiting to be explored.  Just like my father did.

I head back upstairs to get ready for the day. I put on my blue and white aeropostale swimshorts (on my freshly shaven legs), a sports bra, and a white tank top. I brush and style my short burgundy hair before I get fed up with it and just decide on putting it in a ponytail with side bangs; my usual style. I slip on my black flip flops and find a pair of sunglasses to hang on my shirt until I need them. I grab my cell phone and surfboard before I head out the door.

I am very proud of my surfboard, mainly because I designed it myself. It was a beautiful tan color with a green piranha with large fangs and a mohwak, with bubbles around it.  It looked very punk. In other places it would be weird to carry around a large surfboard with you, but when you live on the beach, it would be weird if you didn't.

First off, I head down to the Snack Shack where my best friend Zander works. I always love going there because I get to chill with my best friend and I get discounts on food.

"Hey Amber, what's up?" Zander asks, eager to see me. This is the first time we've been able to see each other since school got out a week ago. "Ugh, I have been so bored. Mom hasn't let me leave the house until today. I felt like a lion in a cage. Smoothie me." I demand. I get out the cash as he trades it for a chocolate smoothie. He knows me well enough to know what I want without asking. "I feel ya. I haven't been able to do anything but work since break started," Zander said, frustrated. "You know what, Zand? We should have a day to reconnect and have fun, just the two of us. I miss doing that." I say, reminiscing on the good times. "That sounds great Amber! I have work today but I'm off tomorrow.  Let's meet here around 10-ish? Because I DEFINITELY need to catch up on sleep." "Awesome, we have a plan!"

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