Chapter 20- Face Time

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I exhale a deep breath, as I let my hands fall to my sides as it was starting to hurt in the position it was before.

I looked at the cheval glass before me, and saw beads of sweat beginning to form on my forehead.
The cause of my present predicament, was the gown I have been trying to zip up for a while now, but it usually get stucked at my waistline.

I was getting frustrated now, as I let my head fall backwards to face the ceiling.

I thought the tailor took my measurements! Then why the hell isn't this cloth zipping up?

"Gosh, kay! What are they feeding you with over there in Nigeria?" Tess who had been watching all these happen, spoke up.

The ceiling and I exchanged a not-again look. I sighed and dramatically turned around to face the screen of dad's iPad, which was positioned on my bed and immediately went wide-eyed, because what I saw looked scary.

Tess had brought her face closer to her phone front camera making her eyes look all big and wide on my screen.

"Duh! Different kinds of food and not the fish they feed you with, over there in Miami. And shoo! Shooo! Move your face away from the camera, I am finding it difficult to think with your eyes looking like that." I said moving my hands in a drive-away manner.

She rolled her eyes. Shissh, even more scary.

"You are just jealous they feed me with Big, Fresh and healthy fish every morning and admit it, I always look beautiful. Isn't that right Drew?"

No response...

I took a closer look at Drew's image on the screen, only to find him half asleep with his mouth slightly opened.

"Drew!" Tess voice boomed, making him jerk awake with his hands flying to his ears, removing the earbuds and looked around probably to figure out who had shouted his name.

"Where is the fire?" He asked

Oh boy! I was totally wrong.

The expression on his face was enough for Tess and I to burst into laughter. Drew hadn't been wrong when he told us they were taking them through drills at the camp and this was his free time.

We were all on a group face time. Tess, had insisted we have it because she had missed seeing our faces. Apparently, to her, chats and calls weren't enough.

Drew, who later realized there hadn't been any fire whatsoever, but had been awoken by Tess, joined us in laughing.

"You should have seen the look on your face when you said 'where is the fire'. You looked hilarious." Tess said mimicking Drew's previous expression and bursted into another round of laughter.

I couldn't help but join in again.

"Yeah whatever. Besides, why did you scream out my name in that manner?"

Before any of us could respond, the door to my room came ajar. I turned to find mom peeping in with a smile on her face.

"Mommy!" Tess squealed.

"Good afternoon Mrs Jade." Drew greeted. Jade was mom's first name.

"How are you my darlings?" Mom asked as she walked into the room.

They both said fine.

"That's good to hear. So I heard y'all laughing and I couldn't help but drop by, to see what is making you laugh."

I was about to tell her not to worry, that it is all soughted out, but Tess had other plans.

"Drew, thought his phone was producing fire!" She said immediately and started laughing, more like cackling and I turned to find Drew looking all embarrassed.

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