Part 12

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My phone rings...early the next morning.



Who's this


Oh sorry I'm still half out

It's alright.


I wanted to talk to you


Can we meet up later? You're in London right

Uh yea sure




My head spun. connor came in the hotel room.
is tristan in here. I'm mad at him

Uh I hope not

He's on the couch with savanna look

What the--- Savanna!!!!!!

What they jump up

We didn't-- tristan says

Yea yea connor says dragging him out. And to me I'll be back

Heading to starbucks savanna says as I said no trouble or I'll tell toby

Fine she yells leaving

Wow I've been startled too much connor comes in

Same with me I hug him

So today we should head to the brigde what YA think

Uh yea sure sounds great.

Oh and sorry for busting in connor says leaving to get ready.

Before we left
Riley calls I don't answer
He leaves a message

Hey rie-sierra I uh just wanted to say I've lost the one and it's my fought I put her on the loose. but for now it's ok. I want to be friends. oh and u were the one I was talking about. connor misses u. we are all sitting together writing a song. guess who's crying. connor. I'm chewing on the pencil. see u soon. hopefully.
Lo- bye

I listened thinking I knew it.
I called charlie back


Whats going on?

What's going on?

You fought with riley didn't u

He fought with me

No he didn't

Yea no I lied but I wanted u

U cheated on me!!!
I hung up.

Someone calls unknown I answer


Hey Poe

Uh hi

It's Michael


Yes ur a great kid u know!

Yes u r a great Man U know!

Yea u talk about me in almost every interview


I wanted to call because I wanted you to come to my next concert and perform ur on solo ft me

Oh my gosh that would be awesome. your my everything. get it

My song. yes he laughed

You seriously just made my day. congrats on ur baby boy!

Thank you and that's great. I know your life is crazy.

It is. and thank you again.

You're very welcome I will contact you when we can meet up.

Sounds great! I hang up so happy.

On the bridge
The boys didn't come, connor says,
The boys wanted to head home for the day and tristan ran out

Lord help me that him and savanna aren't together. she's supposed to be with toby. I say

It's gonna be ok. we will find out later. just have fun for these next 2 days before your ends. it was supposed to be a month but nope. connor says

We walked in silence by each other's sides

Connor says right here quietly
Right here I sang young volcanoes on a cold day

And you know I saw that one coming. I loved that cover. I say and smile looking at him.

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