People Fall in Love in Mysterious Ways

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(Please tell me if you are reading!! x) I sigh softly as I walk down the road, humming 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran. As I walk, I realize no one is around, so I start to sing as I continue to walk to the park. It was the only place I could actually be alone and escape from my real life. Singing and playing guitar did that for me too. I always hated living in the real world. Go ahead, call me a nerd. Everyone already does, so it won't effect me. I tighten my grip on the handle of my guitar case as I bump into someone. "Dammit... I'm sorry. I should really watch were I'm going." I say as I pull out one of my earbuds. I look up and flash a friendly smile to the stranger. "It's alright, you're fine. " He says and returns the smile, nodding once before walking off. I breathe out a sigh of relief and walk to the little bench I always sit on. I sit down, opening my guitar case and pulling it out. I put the strap over my head as the song starts over. I quickly pause it, putting my fingers in place. I hit play and start to sing and play along to the song as the stranger that I had ran into walks over. (Hi! I'm Cynthia! I have short, red hair and an hourglass figure, Please continue as (1/5) or (1/4). I do prefer to do this over kik and I do double, or just my prompt if you do not do doubles. Thanks for reading!!)

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