C H A P T E R - T E N

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We were all sitting in a stunned silence after Grayson's suggestion for Ky and I's unusual mate bond. The four of them seemed to be contemplating the possibility. I, on the other hand, knew just how preposterous that was.

First, the possibility of Tsuki being capable of kidnapping an innocent child is just slim to none. Tsuki was known for their peacefulness. It was unfathomable that they'd commit such a horrendous act. Secondly, why would someone kidnap me just to hand me over to what they thought was my mate? If my adoptive parents were capable of kidnapping a baby, what would be their motive? They couldn't have wanted a child so badly to take one only to give it away a few years later. They couldn't have had ill intentions, because they gave me to my mate. Evil people don't commit such acts of kindness.

"Everyone out, now. I need to speak with Amelia alone." Ky was the first to break the silence as we were all stuck in our own thoughts. The three other wolves shuffled out before he turned to face me. We both sat for a second just studying the other. I had dropped a bomb on him both with my lack of knowledge of my own life and my love for another. So, instead of breaking the silence like I so desperately wanted to, I let him approach me. I studied his face silently urging him with my eyes to speak.

"Tell me more about your family." I hadn't expected him to want to know this topic, but I gladly welcomed the distraction.

"Well, I was adopted. And I know what you're thinking that maybe they kidnapped me, but I can assure you they wouldn't. I was only with them for two years before I met the Beta family and they left me with my suspected mate. It wouldn't make since for them to want a baby bad enough to steal one, but then give it away without so much as a glance back." I shook my head. I wasn't kidnapped. The Moon Goddess just decided to change things up. She'd done it once before, so it wouldn't be too far fetched that she did it again.

"What do you know about them?" Ky looked as if he believed me, but I could see doubt lingering in his cool blue eyes.

"They were soulmates that couldn't conceive. They had adopted me from within the pack after my birth parents died. When I was two, they noticed I had a connection with the Beta's son, so they allowed me to live with them. They knew they mate bond and didn't want to risk any complications with it." I shrugged my shoulders. If only they could see how wrong they were.

"Where are they now?" Ky bit his lip in thought. I had to mentally reprimand myself for the naughty thoughts currently clouding my mind.

"My adoptive father died in battle not long after they gave me to the Beta family. My adoptive mother went mad after losing her mate, so she elected to leave Tsuki and join the rogue village near our territory. I assume she's still there." I never once felt sadness at how I was orphaned at such a young age, because I had Eli and his parents. I always had a family. It didn't matter much to me that we didn't share blood, because we shared love.

"So, you're telling me that a mated couple unable to conceive just willingly gave up their only adopted child to the Beta family when she was two?" Ky raised his eyebrows like he didn't believe the story much. And honestly, when you put it that way it almost didn't seem believable to me either and I lived it.

"Well, yes. They just cherished the mate bond so much that they couldn't bare to keep us apart." We were both silent for a moment after that. I could tell Ky was still very doubtful, but I believed the Woods. They would never lie to me like that.

"Tell me about your birth parents." Ky was a very demanding mate. I slightly wondered why he didn't just ask. I was his mate and his demanding interrogation was kind of getting old. However, I let it slide since I spent the last fifteen years of my life in love with another man. I'd give him a pass today, but I'd communicate with him if the problem persisted. We are equals. He does not get to demand things of me.

"They died when I was a baby. I don't know much about them. Honestly, I was so young when I lost both my birth and adoptive parents that I couldn't even tell you what they looked like. We don't have any pictures together. I really only remember what people tell me." I shrugged my shoulders. It's normal for someone to not remember events that happened before they were three. Infantile Amnesia is a thing.

"What were their names?" Oh, look! Ky is capable of a question. I snorted only to stop when Ky gave me a questioning look. I flashed him a sheepish smile.

"My adoptive parents were Mike and Margrett Collins. Honestly, I don't know much about them, because I grew up in a loving household. I never cared to learn about a family I never actually had."

"Do you still love him?" The sudden topic change caught me off guard. However, I owed it to Ky to answer.

"I do." Ky let out a fierce growl, but I continued on. "Meeting you, my mate, doesn't just automatically cut off feelings I've had for years. All I've ever known is Eli. We grew up together for the past sixteen years." He didn't like that answer either.

"But, meeting you made me realize how dull my senses were. Everything seems brighter, more alive. Yes, I still love Eli. I may always love Eli. But my love for you is already a raging inferno. It burns bright, engulfing whatever flame I felt for Eli. My love for him didn't disappear, but meeting you made me realize what true love is really supposed to feel like. Whatever love I still have for him pales in comparison for what I feel for you and I've only known you a couple of hours." My speech seemed to fall on deaf ears.

I could tell he was pleased at my words, but I also knew that he was hurt by my confession. I didn't want to start our mate bond off like this, but I also didn't want to be untruthful with my mate. He deserved complete transparency if we were to work out. Yes, I knew I was risking rejection, but I could also feel in my bones that Ky wanted me as much as I wanted him.

"You're naïve, little mate. You've spent the last sixteen years believing stories from a family who kidnapped you. They brainwashed you to love him, to believe them. They're monsters who isolated you and I'm going to prove it." With that Ky abruptly stood up leaving me a sobbing mess. My mind was fulled with conflicting thoughts urging me to take a side. I knew he was right, but I refused to accept it. All I knew about my past were stories the Woods told me. The Woods even told me Eli was my mate. I believed them then only to realize they were so very wrong.

My gut was telling me that Ky was right, but my heart was screaming at me for doubting my only family. For once, the demons inside my head weren't just self-doubt. I now doubted everything I'd ever been told as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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