As she awkwardly smiles, Blake shakes her head.

Blake: N-no, it's okay. I just wasn't expecting that.

A breath of relief escaping his lips, Vergil gently rubs Blake's head, and she blushes while nuzzling onto his hand. While they do so, the intercom blares.

Goodwitch: Vergil Sparda, please come to the headmaster's office.

With that, the intercom turns off, and the girls look at Vergil.

Weiss: What did you do?

Looking at the speaker in confusion, Vergil shrugs.

Vergil: Nothing that would be as serious as requesting my presence to Ozpin's office.

He looks down at Ruby, who is also nuzzling against him. He rubs her head, then prys her off him while Blake smiles out of amusement.

Vergil: I'll be right back, girls.

He leaves the training room, and heads to Ozpin's office.


Vergil arrives in the headmaster's office, and stands across from Ozpin, while Goodwitch stands next to him.

Vergil: What do you need of me?

Taking a sip from his mug, Ozpin glances at him.

Ozpin: I am assigning you a mission.

Vergil: A mission? I thought you were assigning missions later today.

Ozpin: That's correct, but I trust only you for this. We've been getting reports of suspicious activity at an abandoned city north of here.

Vergil: it Grimm?

He shakes his head as he looks down at a file.

Ozpin: No, it isn't Grimm. There have been no sightings of them around that area.

Vergil: (Okay, it could be White Fang...)

Ozpin: I would like you to investigate the area, and report whatever you find.

Looking down for a moment, Vergil thinks before he accepts.

Vergil: Alright. When should I head over there?

Ozpin: We already have a bullhead outside, waiting for you.

Vergil: In that case, I shall take my leave.

He leaves Ozpin's office, and Goodwitch glances at her boss.

Goodwitch: Are you sure it's smart sending only one person?

Ozpin: Ah, Glynda. You're underestimating him. You've seen his capabilities in person yourself.

She looks away while sighing.

Goodwitch: ...You're right.


Meanwhile, Vergil is heading to the bullhead when he hears approaching footsteps from behind.

Yang: Vergil!

He turns around, and gazes at them.

Vergil: Hey. Sorry, I'm gonna be gone for a short while.

Weiss: Why?

Vergil: Ozpin has assigned me a mission to investigate an abandoned city up north. He says there is suspicious activity going on there.

Ruby: You're leaving? Aw...

She looks down, and Vergil rubs her head.

Vergil: I won't take too long. How about this: when I get back, I'll make you an entire batch of cookies. Chocolate chip.

Devil of Remnantजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें