다섯: I call you her

Start from the beginning

Fifteen minutes later, Seokjin and Lisa we're finding a spot to park. "Oppa! I see an empty parking spot!" Lisa points out at the left which two cars are in between the empty spot. "Thanks Li." Seokjin said in gratitude as he starts parking the car and stopping the engine after they did. The siblings got out of the car and Seokjin locked it, "Alright, we're ready to go." He nods and approaches his sister who's waiting for him and sending a text to Namjoon quickly. 

Namjoon's phone vibrated as he saw a text message, "Lisa sent a text message." He said to the two. "What does it say, Namjoon-hyung?" Taehyung said in concern, thinking that they are already here. "They said that they are in front of the restaurant." Namjoon reads the text. "Taehyung, you need to go get the two." He adds and pats his shoulder. "Ah, yeah. right!" Taehyung said and went down stairs to fetch the two. "Everyone, go to your places!" Jeongguk told everyone to hide under the table and keep quiet. 

Downstairs, Taehyung could see Seokjin and Lisa at the reception and fixed his tie a little so he could look proper in front of Seokjin. He approached them and smiled, "I'm glad you're here." Seokjin chuckled and Lisa hugged the second youngest dongsaeng. She whispers, "I'll be going now, Taehyung-Oppa. Take care of my brother." Taehyung nods as Lisa left to go upstairs. 

"I prepared dinner for all of us upstairs. But we'll have our private time first." Taehyung gestures his arm to the older. Seokjin blushes as he holds his arm and go upstairs to the rooftop and saw beautiful city lights.

Earlier, Lisa saw Tzuyu at the bathroom retouching her makeup. "Tzuyu?" Lisa smiles as she saw her. "Oh, Lalice. You're already here." Tzuyu placed the powder puff back at her container and kept it on her makeup bag. "Yeah. Oppa is with Taehyung-Oppa right now." The smaller chuckled. 

"Shall we get going, Lalice?" Tzuyu placed the stuff at her bag

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"Shall we get going, Lalice?" Tzuyu placed the stuff at her bag. "Sure, lead the way." Lisa sighs in relief and both ladies went back to the area which was switched off and hide with the others under the table. 

As a few minutes had passed, Taehyung is guiding a blindfolded Seokjin to the Room as everyone already went out of their tables and sat down at the chairs. Good thing that Seokjin is facing the other way around on not to see the balloon letters. Taehyung told him to stay right there and Lisa opened the eyes and went back to her seat. Taehyung signaled Lisa to speak and the smaller lady spoke, 

"Oppa, you may take the blindfold off now."  

Jin holds into the blindfold and opened his eyes facing the glass door as everyone claps at him. Seokjin turned around and see a view of decorations and balloon letters, as it said, "Will you marry me, Kim Seokjin?" He looked at Taehyung in tears as the younger holds into his hand and kneeled down in front of him, 

"I know we have been only together for a year but seeing your life almost going away from my reach is one of the reasons why I needed to do this. Kim Seokjin, you one of the best signs of love that I could ask for. No one is like you who would only be rooting for me selflessly and I am really lucky to have you as a boyfriend. Now it maybe the time to ask you this phrase." Taehyung held onto the older's hand tighter and opened the ring box which showed a beautiful gold ring with a ruby jewel.

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