New york

17 3 0

When I wake up I find myself on the kitchen floor with my hands covered in blood and a dead animal is lying next to me.
"What the hell has happened!?" I shout and get. I look around, but everything is like usual, nothing is changed.
"Is anyone in here?" I start walking through the empty house, with one gaze into the mirror, I freeze.
I look at my reflection, my face is bloodstained and my eyes are a deep shade of red.
"What is happening to me!"

"Well I thought I should tell you that I can make you do things, horrible things"

I scream at the sound of the voice that had been haunting me the last week and rush to the front door.

'The forest is my only way out'
Is the last thought that goes through my mind before it all goes black.

Tick, tock, tick, tock is the first thing I hear.
I open my eyes and try to sit up, but my whole body is aching.
"!" I whisper hoarsely.
A glass of cold water is put against my lips.
As soon as I regain the ability to speak, I ask who is there.
"It's me" is the only answer I get. The voice comes from a green spaceship. Who was with me...?
Wait, is that a spaceship?
It's Jack!
"Alicia, you can't return home! You're a victim! Dark things will happen to you if you stay! Come with me, I'll save you!" Jack's messy black hair appears in the spaceship's doorway, quickly followed by his hypnotic eyes and the rest of his body.
"We're gonna travel, and I'm gonna make you happy!" he smiles enthusiastically, and I feel my heart melt as I see his enthusiasm.
"I'd love to come with you but I can't, I'm not worthy being with you!" I whisper and a tear falls from my eyes.
"Oh yes! Yes you are!" he shouts and grabs my arm, dragging me into his ship.
"Where do you wanna go? Late 1870s? Early 1479s?" he continues to suggest when we could travel until I finally agree that we can visit New York in 1632.
The ship begins to move and I take a tight grip around a handle at the ship's wall to not fall over.
When the ship lands I can't help but scream.
"We're here! step outside the doors and meet New York at 1632!"

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