How you meet

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You were a friend of Harlequins and he wanted you to meet his little sister.

You both went up to the sacred tree and saw a girl with Blonde hair and Brown(?) eyes which you were assuming was his little sister. Her eyes widened when she saw you and Harlequin.

"Brother!" she said hugging him and then looking at you curiously.

"Y/n I would like you to meet my sister Elaine."


You were coming to sign a treaty with (your kingdom name) and Leones. And as you were walking you bumped into someone and they fell ontop of you. 

"Ah I'm so sorry!" A high pitched voice said that came from the person ontop of you. "Here let me help you up." A hand was put infront of you and you grabbed it, getting helped up.

You came face to face with a girl with turquoise eyes and platinum colored hair.

"My name's Elizabeth what's yours?"

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