Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Sempronio's melancholy lasted several weeks, but nothing else changed. This included the position of Alpha, which remained vacant in Duccio's absence. If Ambrosius had expected to be promoted to the role, he never made it known to the pack. All presumed that Sempronio himself had silently resumed the primary function, until one night over dinner when he changed everything.

The master began by announcing that I was promoted to the rank of Beta. Whether because of Duccio's proclamation weeks earlier or because they believed I was worthy of such an honor, none seemed surprised by Sempronio's decision. However, the pack's response to his next change was palpable.

"I appoint Maximo to the role of Alpha," he announced.

A deep scarlet swam under the pale skin of Ambrosius' face. This beacon was even more noticeable due to his crown of light red hair. I thought he might stand from the table and leave the room, but he remained.

"Though I never interfered with your former alpha's decisions—at least, not before his last night in this house—most here understand that we often did not see eye to eye. Particularly concerning his decisions and the composition of this pack."

He turned directly to Ambrosius and engaged him.

"You have lived under this roof long enough to know that a pack as small as ours cannot afford to allow any individual to go untried. We must allow those who exhibit strong leadership potential the opportunity to prove their qualities. You have already served as Beta, performing more like a true Alpha than your superior ever did. There is no doubt in my mind that you could fill the role with distinction. I, therefore, see no reason that you must do so now. Instead, I wish for you to challenge yourself with another duty."

Ambrosius seemed equally flattered and disappointed by the master's statement, but foremost on his mind, he was confused about what other position he might take.

"It is time for you to become a teacher," Sempronio said.

Ambrosius looked positively alarmed by the suggestion.

"Father, you cannot mean to reduce me to the role of Omega."

"You know only too well that I do not consider Omega to be a reduction of your rank."

"I remember everything you taught me, sir," said Ambrosius. "Every word, in fact. But the system of rank you mean for me to adopt is no longer in use, not anywhere on the continent."

"We will use it in Castello Palatino. We will readopt it starting in the morning. You do not need the lycan beyond our borders to recognize your authentic place in this family. Their appraisal of your worth to this house could not be of less importance."

"But how are we ever to build relationships with the other houses while constrained by protocols they do not appreciate or understand?"

"Do not think I am oblivious of whom you speak. I understand the longing you shared with your brother for the glamor of Milan, and Florence, or Rome. I promise you their modern excitements are not lost on me, son. But it's time you admit the obvious—we will not have the relations you seek with anyone." Sempronio said this with a color of finality. "Not in this age, at least. Perhaps such communion will be possible in a century or two, but not at present. So, I wish for you to become the pack's Omega. I wish for you to learn the art of survival—of how to endure immortality and bring our house safely into the future."

Ambrosius looked warily at the master, unwilling to say aloud what I could sense. He was a warrior with no taste for more lessons about philosophy. He would assume the alpha's role and work day and night to hunt down Duccio and end him if he could. The last thing he wanted was to hide behind the power of an invincible ancient for centuries while the battles of our time raged on without him.

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