1~It's A Girl

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There was a loud noise, some form of machinery. I woke up with a jolt, gasping to get some air. The air was cold and I was laying on a metal surface. I stood up quickly. It was pitch black. I took a step forward, and my hands hit a wall. I felt around and gathered that I was in some small metal room. My head hurt. What was wrong with me? I thought back on how I got into this situation. But then I realized I didn't know, I didn't know anything. Think!I started to panic. I couldn't remember anything. I let out a frustrated yell. I was scared and confused. I started to pace the area, and then I tripped over something. I knelt down. It was a body. Defiantly female. She seemed dead. I put two fingers under her neck and felt a beat. Letting out a sigh of relief I shook her, trying to wake her up. Then suddenly the room shook and shot up, the sound of metal gears defining. The box went up for what seemed like hours. I thought and thought but could not come up with any memories, not even my name. the box sped up as red lights passed occasionally. I looked up through the grate and saw the top of the shaft, but it wasn't slowing down. And then with a jerk it stopped. The roof of the box opened and I shielded my eyes from the blinding light. There were figures standing all around the box.

"There's two shanks in there!" someone jumped down into the box. He had sandy blonde hair and a square jaw. My eyes were wide with fear as I stepped back till my back was against the edge of the box.

"They're girls?" the boy called up to the others. "I think one is dead." This caused lots of murmuring.

"Are they hot?"

"I call dibs!"

"You can have the dead one."

"No! I want the one that's alive!" the blonde boy stepped towards me. I jumped on a crate and pulled myself out of the box. All of the people got quiet. I looked around. Teenage boys surrounded me. There was a large field with some huts and a small forest. But around the whole area were ancient looking walls. There was a huge doorway that led to whatever was on the other side of the wall. And then the boys started talking again.

"She is hot!"

"No! I called dibs." One boy reached out and poked my shoulder. I stared at him before swinging my fist hard and punching him in the face. He stumbled back causing a space to clear in between the boys. I took my chance and ran toward the giant doorway. The boys seemed to be stunned before recovering.

"We got a runner!"

"She's feisty."

"And fast!"

"She's going for the maze!" and then all the boys surged forward in pursuit of me Surprisingly I was faster than all of them. As I neared the wall the boy started to scream at me to stop. Without thinking twice I ran through the door way and out of the walls.

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The Glade Princess - Into The MazeWhere stories live. Discover now